The Disastrous Dance

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I let out a long breath, looking over the decorations once more. The doors would be opening for the dance any moment, and it was either going to be well received, or, well, not.

"Come on," Maddie prodded Sara, who was putting finishing touched on one of her signs. Sara just slapped Maddie away, nearly getting paint on her black dress.

"Girls, stop fighting," I hissed as I separated them. They just sighed, looking away from each other with a roll of the eyes. Every once and awhile they got at each other's throats. It would be over in a few hours, probably when the party started.

Turning away from them, I made my way to the food table. It was stacked high with foods of all sorts- all by my doing. If there was one thing I knew how to do, it was choosing good food.

"You ready?"

I turned. Connell stood leaned against the end of the food table. Where he came from, I don't know.

I shrugged, reaching my hand out towards him. The only people stalking around the gym were Sara and Maddie, so it didn't matter.

"I love parties," I sighed. "But not when I have to plan them."

"Lesson to be learned," Connell chuckled, kissing the palm of my hand. I shivered lightly, before pulling my hand from his grip. It was going to be a long night, especially since Connell looked delicious in his suit.

"I have work to do," I said defiantly under his stare. Defiant against what, I didn't know. It just seemed like the right moment.

Walking away from him, I made my way to the doors. Outside I could hear quiet chatter of kids who had just arrived. Show time.

Sara and Maddie joined me, as well as all of the other helpers, and we pulled open the doors. Not even a beat later, student after student started to flood in.

"They better not touch my decorations," Sara mumbled under her breath, narrowing her eyes at students as they walked in. She was getting increasingly agitated as the days got colder, and for what reason, we couldn't figure out.

Connell sat near the edge of the gym, watching over students with a bored look. I laughed under my breath, feeling sadistic pleasure. He just looked so very cute bored.

I spent 2 more hours making sure that no one set something on fire, and that everyone was acting appropriate enough. That in itself was a pretty low bar. Near the end of the two hours, I saw someone out of the corner of my eye.


I frowned, narrowing my eyes at the door. It was a side door, that just led to some dark, empty hallways. Jon was absolutely, under no condition, supposed to be here. After our run in, Connell told the principal, who reprimanded him into the ground.

I wasn't nervous as I pushed myself up from my seat. Walking towards the door, I shot a fleeting glance towards Connell, whom was talking on the phone with a sour expression.

When I got to the hallway, I stopped. It was completely dark, save a few lights scattered every few yards.

I took a few steps forward, looking back and forth. Where did he go?

I screeched as I was shoved against a locker. Out of know where, Jon appeared, a vicious look on his face.

"Let go of me!" I choked, kicking him in the nuts.

He let out a groan, falling back for a moment. Before I could punch him, he grabbed my wrist and gave me another hard shove into the locker. This time, the edge of the lock on the locker dug into my back, causing me to fall to the ground with a hiss.

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