P A R T Y - 2

16.7K 527 105


Words : 2682

Date : March 8th

I decided to take a breather, and looked around, trying to find an empty space.

"Come on," I told him, taking his wrist and dragging him out of the crowds. I grabbed another drink as I went, throwing away my cup in a trash can that we passed.

"Already dragging me away and I don't even know your name," He laughed, and I winked at him.

When we got to where I wanted to be, I fell to the ground, keeping my drink steady. It wasn't sand, it was just grass, which seemed much better to sit in than sand.

"My names Ruby," I answered him when I got comfortable. He took a seat next to me, close enough that went he moved the slightest bit his pants would brush his legs.

"That's not a boring name. Then again, I'm guessing you're not a boring person," He leaned closer, and I looked away, my mouth turning up into a smile.

"I guess so."

I took a sip of my drink, letting the burning alcohol warm me. I wondered what it was, but I figured it must be a mixture of different drinks. People liked to get creative at these parties.

"I've never seen you before," He said, and I laughed.

"I could say the same about you. I know everyone in Frémont, so I would know you if you went there," I told him, taking another big gulp of my drink. Whatever was in that cup warmed my body, and I felt myself loosening up. Seems like it was starting to kick in.

"You would be right, I go to St. Johns," I lifted an eyebrow, letting out a hum.

St. Johns was the only Christian school near our town, and it was actually a town over. It was not only preppy, but very strict. If he was caught going to a party, he could be kicked out of school.

"You certainly are daring. How'd you hear about this party?" I asked, looking away from him towards the crowds. I noticed a mix of St. Johns and Frémont kids. I hadn't noticed before, being too interested in the drinks than the people.

"Someone invited someone from St. Johns, and it seemed like an open invitation," Jon told me, and I nodded. It wasn't Fletcher, he only invited people from Frémont. Even so, he let anyone who was willing come.

We were silent for a while, me people watching, and him watching me. I always get red faced when people pay solo attention to me. Don't get me wrong, I love attention, but when it's just one person paying attention to me, it makes me nervous.

He made me nervous. Not in the 'I'm going to kill you', kind of nervous. But in the just natural, boy kind of nervous.

I knew what I was doing was technically wrong. Dottie was constantly growling at me, so I tuned her out. I'm sure the moon god is frowning down on me. Hey, you matched me with the worst possible guy, so this is what you get!

Every time Jon moved closer, as though he was going to kiss me, I got a feeling in my stomach, and I could see Connell. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I could only think as I tried to focus.

This man is ruining my life.

"I'm going to go get another drink," I said suddenly, standing. Jon looked at me curiously as I stumbled back down to the party, my feet digging in the sand. He waited there as I got another drink, drank half of it in one go, and then came back to him.

I didn't want to care about Connell anymore, so as I finished off my drink, not even enjoying it, I knew I was getting there. Was this what I was going to do whenever I wanted to forget? That sounds depressing.

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