III // O R D I N A R Y

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Date Posted : 2/19/18

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Date Posted : 2/19/18


C H A P T E R  T H R E E

Maddie let out a dramatic sigh, leaning against our locker. "I think I failed my Chem test," she said nonchalant, inspecting her perfectly manicured nail.

"I'm shocked you haven't failed the class yet," Sara responded, her eyes lifting from her sketchbook. "You never show up."

Neither Maddie or Sara questioned me when I showed up to school. They were both gently skating around the elephant in the room, and for that I was grateful.

"If it's any consolation I'm failing like 2 classes."

Maddie looked at me with a smile. She reached her hand out towards me as the bell let out a loud, dull buzz. We began to sluggishly walk to the classroom.

Connell was sitting at his desk when we arrived, reading through papers on his desk. Dottie whimpered as we passed him, before retreating again.

I felt bad that Dottie had to endure Connell with me. The pain of rejection hit her hard.

I sat in my seat, letting my bag fall to the side of my chair. Connell glanced up to me, before calmly looking back at the papers he was working on. My stomach fluttered with anger over the fact that he seemed completely unconcerned over losing his mate. How could it not matter to him?

I pulled out my notebook, trying to forget about it.

The classroom slowly began to fill up. The bell had let out its final buzz when Connell called me to the front of the room. I stood slowly, balling my hands into fists around my sweater. My body moved but my mind stayed stagnant.

Connell looked up at me when I stopped in front of his desk, putting down his pen. He had dark-framed glasses on, which he took off to look at me.

I tried to stop the pain that was swelling inside of me, the hurt. Dottie retreated back into my mind, which hurt as much as seeing him.

I inhaled softly as Connell took a stack of papers from a bin on his desk, writing in perfect cursive the date that they were due at the top of them. He then put my name at the top and stapled them together.

"These are the papers you missed yesterday, they're due next Monday," Connell told me, before handing them to me. He looked straight in my eyes, and realization washed over me.

He couldn't not feel it. It was impossible. Mates would always feel when another was in pain, especially if they were rejected. Even though he was the one that rejected me, he would feel the pain of our souls separating.

I felt a sadistic comfort from knowing that.

Clutching the papers to my chest, I didn't say anything when I turned to walk to my seat. My mind was swirling, and it continued to do so through the entire lesson.

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