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Connell wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into an embrace. I smiled into his shoulder, tightening my grip around his neck. Vanilla comforted me, wrapping around me like a soft hug.

The steady beep of Mecah's heart monitor brought me back to the room. Hospital room, that is. On the other side of Mecah, sat Fletcher, who was watching her the same as he had when he save her.

In the moments before he died, he pulled out everything he had learned from his parents constant teaching since he was a kid. It helped her long enough until a pack doctor could come and help, and Mecah could be transported.

Now, we were just waiting to see if Mecah was going to wake up. It was almost as horrible as the whole ordeal itself, and with every passing day, the chances got slimmer. Still, as long as her chest rose and fell, that was as much as I could ask.

"Fletcher, come get food," Connell told Fletcher. He had basically become a statue, watching her to see if there was any movement in her monitor.

He had never saved someone before, but he told me he liked it. "Much better than football," he said.

Mecah ignited something in him, something he hadn't ever thought about. He didn't want her to die, and so he watched her like an eagle every moment he could.

Fletcher glanced at Connell, sighing. "I need to watch," He said.

"Not now," Connell said, shaking his head. "You haven't eaten since yesterday."

Fletcher stood, stretching. With one last glance at Mecah, he went to join Connell. I waved goodbye to them; I had eaten earlier.

For a few minutes, it was purely quiet in the room. I was playing with my shoelaces, bored out of my mind while my phone charged. Then, something happened.

Mecah took a deep breath, her nose scrunching up. She tried to open her eyes, but closed them immediately after.

I jumped up, running over to her.

"Mecah?" I asked. She opened her eyes, meeting forest green eyes meeting mine. I grinned, blinking in shock.

Within a split second, a smile came to her face. "Ruby," She cried, reaching her arm to me. I hugged her gently, making sure to avoid her stomach. She didn't seem to care, pulling me closer.

"I missed you," I said. I didn't want to think about everything that had happened, I just wanted to hug her.

"I know," she said, smiling as she hugged me back. It was like no time had passed at all. She seemed different though, just a bit. The shine that was in her eyes, just flickered now.

Wiping tears from my cheeks, I frowned.

"Never do that again!" I said, pointing at her stomach. The fact that she was going to be nearly unscathed, was a miracle in itself. The dagger had taken hours to get out and repair, and if it hadn't missed all her major arteries, she would have died. I could only assume the moon goddess had been listening to my prayer.

"Don't worry," She laughed. "I won't."

There was a sound at the door, and Mecah sat up, wide eyed. When the door cracked open, she relaxed. It was only Connell, and though she didn't know him, it wasn't Alexander. That seemed to be all she cared about.

"I have someone for you to meet," I said, reaching for Connell. He grinned at her, still a bit taken aback that she was up.

"This is Connell," I said, pointing to him. "My mate."

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