The Date

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the date

I stifled a yawn as I watched Connell work, listening to the sound of his typing in the back of my mind.

In efforts to escape the awkwardness of my house, I decided to spend time with Connell. Unfortunately he is a workaholic, which left me with no other choice than to watch him.

I could feel myself drift away as I watched him change from writing to typing. He was concentrated on his work, paying little attention to me.

It was the last day of break, and my dog had woken me up too early to be humanly healthy.

I hadn't noticed Connells eyes shift to me, my thoughts consumed with nothing but meaningless static.

I could hear him put down his pen, and move out from his desk. Standing, he walked around his desk to come to me. I barely moved, too consumed with fatigue.

"Did you not get much sleep?" Connell asked as he kneeled down next to the chair. I blinked, focusing on his face.

Shaking my head, I yawned, closing my eyes as I turned away from him.

"Why don't you go home and sleep," Connell suggested, pulling the side of my jacket. I peaked through my hair, looking at him with a solemn look.

At my look, Connell gave me a gentle smile.

"And after, perhaps we can go somewhere," he said. I felt myself become more awake and I sat up slightly to look at him.

"Like, on a date?" I asked. He must have seen the hope in my eyes, because after a few seconds, he nodded.

Sitting up, I got a big smile on my face, reaching out to him. He let me grab him, saying nothing as he pulled me up from the seat.

"We're are we going to go?" I asked as Connell led me to the door. Connell just peered down at me, before looking forward.

"That's a surprise."

I huffed, feeling the childish need to cross my arms and stomp my foot.

"How will I dress well if I don't know where we're going," I continued, looking at his back as I trailed him down the stairs.

"Darling you'll be fine, just wear what you'd like," He insisted, stopping at the front door.

I barely registered the pet name, my eyes on him as he opened the door for me to leave.

"But-," I insisted, but I was silenced by a hush.

"I'll pick you up at four, get some sleep."

Connell shut the door in my face, leaving me blinking. I stood there for a few seconds, knowing he was on the other side, waiting for me to leave.

"You better make it good for your disrespect!" I yelled through the door, kicking it with my shoe, before yelping in pain.

Turning, I stomped down the porch stairs, hoping he could see my distain. I wasn't mad though. I was filled with excitement, since I had never gone on a date with Connell. The months had been filled with ups and downs, and absolutely no nights out.

My parents had both gone to work, leaving me alone in the house. I decided to take Connell's advice, and went straight to sleep.

The hours felt long, and my body was lulled into the comfort of a deep sleep. I was only awoken by the ringing of my phone, which I would have liked to ignore, if I didn't recognize it as Connell's ringtone.

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