The End

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I grabbed Connell's hands nervously as we drove. We were entering his brother's territory. There was no plan other than go straight up to him and demand for the ring, and Mecah back. He said that's when they would start fighting.

I wasn't entirely sure if I was prepared to fight. I had never trained before, and as past experiences had showed me, I was the clear loser in most altercations.

Behind me, car and car of men followed. Everyone in Lewis's pack looked like warriors, even the ones who weren't. My mother had mustered up some men from or pack as well, who were apparently once warriors, when the pack was in its prime.

"Don't worry," Connell told me for the eighteenth time. He knew as well as I that the outcome of this trip would be fatal, but for who, we weren't sure.

I stared ahead. The woods were thick, but I could see the shadows of wolves run along. They knew we were here, they were just waiting for us to arrive.

The road came to an end at a large opening. There was a big house, what I assumed was a pack house, and then two diverging roads that led to other houses and buildings. The mere size of the pack from a short view made me freeze. It was so unlike home, where we were all spread apart.

Connell's hands tightened around his steering wheel as he pulled up. Sitting on the steps of the pack house, was a large man, who was eerily similar to Connell. Alexander.

He was smoking a cigarette, watching us with careful eyes. Connell put the car in park, but showed no motion to get out. His jaw clenched as he watched the man. I could only began to imagine what was going through his head as he looked at his brother.

"Connell?" I asked, looking at Alexander, and then Connell. Finally he snapped out of his staring match to look at me.

"Ruby darling, I want you to stay behind me," He said, unbuckling his seat belt. At his movement, the man stood, letting his cigarette fall to the ground. He stepped on it, crushing it with his boot.

We both got out. The air was still wet from the morning mist, and it was freezing cold. Connell came around to my side, waiting for me to join him. Everyone else from all the other cars got out to, and I noticed that a few wolves walked out from the woods- those belonged to his brother.

As we neared the Alexander, he crossed his arms, a sly smile on his face.

"Well, this is surprising," He said. His voice was loud and thunderous, easily heard. "Never thought you'd come home."


"You know exactly why I'm here," Connell said. His voice was as dark as Alexander. His wolf was starting to come out, I could tell. I grabbed his hand gently, trying to calm his wolf as gently as I could.

Alexander chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

"For the ring?" He asked, though he knew the answer. "Maybe even the girl."

He took a few steps towards us, and Connell moved me gently behind him. I peaked out, shivering as I watched the man move. He didn't seem to notice me, his slender fingers waving around.

"Well, you know what they say," He stopped. "Finders keepers."

I couldn't help it, I stomped out from around Connell.

"You can't say that if you didn't find it!" I shouted. "You took it!"

Connell grabbed my hand, pulling me to him. He wrapped his arms around me protectively, but made no move to put me behind him. It was too late for that now.

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