The Start Of Misery

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W O R D S : 1306
D A T E : 9/1/18


There's nothing worse than thanksgiving.

Now you might be thinking : Ruby, how can you say that, it's a time where you can eat as much food as you want with no consequences-

That may be true, but there is another large factor that comes into play.


Thanksgiving was the time my family came to visit. Of course, none of them were normal. If you put the worst possible family member quality's in one pot, and then mixed a few people in, that would be my family.

Both sides were messed up. My mom's side were sort of stupid, and asked a lot of stupid questions. They knew no boundaries, and would say basically anything without realizing how messed up it was.

My father's side were just unapologetically assholes, which is strange considering how nice my dad is.

It wasn't a good look.

Today's the 1st day of thanksgiving break. The day my family arrives, and temporarily messes up everyone's life.

I tied my hair back into braids, looking at the clock uneasily.

1 hour left.

Putting my shoes on, I walked downstairs. My brother was lounging on the couch, watching tv. I slapped him on the back of the head as greeting, and jerked away when he tried to hit me back.

Walking out the door, I walked down the sidewalk, and crossed the street. Since it was the last day before break yesterday, Connell got home early, and downed just enough liquor to make him drunk.

Unfortunately, he refused to give me some.

I let myself into his house, petting his dog affectionately.

I found Connell in his study, grading papers. Exhaling obnoxiously, fell on the chair in front of his desk. He barely looked up, his eyes focused intensely on his paper.

"Are you kidding me?" I complained, putting my feet up on his desk. This made him look up, but only because he wanted my shoes off his desk.

"Why are you grading papers on your first day of break," I continued, pointing to the stack of papers on his desk.

Connell gave me a blank look, putting down his pen.

"What else am I going to do?" He asked, giving me a pointed look. I smiled coyly.

"Well, I can think of plenty of things."

Connell rolled his eyes, picking his pen back up. I let out an irritated sigh and stood, walking around the desk.

Grabbing the papers, I shoved them to the side, and sat on the empty space straight in front of him. Connell lifted his pen and looked at me.

"Give me attention," I prompted, lightly kicking his knee with my shoe.

Connell gave me a really look, but still put his pen to the side.

"Okay. How are you, Ruby?" He asked sarcastically, leaning back in his chair.

"Awful, thanks for asking," I answered, crossing my arms.

Connell was about to motion for me to continue, but I was just starting.

"You see, my family is coming."

Connell gave me a blank look.

"How can that not make you nervous? Do you have any emotions?" I pouted. Connell just shrugged.

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