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Connell looked around as well, but Jay was no where in sight. I had seen Jay follow us down the trail, since he was a pretty loyal dog.

I felt myself get more worried as I looked back and forth, whipping my head so hard it gave me whiplash. Connell held my arms tightly, forcing me to stop.

"Calm down," He soothed. I exhaled, trying to lower my heart rate.

"We'll just find him," Connell said simply.

"How are we going to do that?" I asked. Connell deadpanned, and turned to me.

"We're wolves, remember?"

I blinked a few times, before blushing. Yeah, forgot about that.

"I knew that," I stuttered, crossing my arms and looking away. Connell rolled his eyes, before his hands moved to the buttons of his shirt.

I watched as he started to undo them, my eyes widening as I inhaled sharply.

"What are you doing!" I exclaimed, turning away as he started to undo his belt. Connell stopped, looking at me.

"Do you want to rip our clothes?" He asked. I puffed my cheeks, my face heating. I looked away as he stripped his clothes, only seeing them in the corner of my eye as he tossed them to the side.

The sound of his bones cracking filled the air, and I winced. A wet nose touched the back of my leg, and I turned to see Connells wolf.

It was commandingly large. He felt much bigger then when I was in my own wolf form, and he came to my waist just standing up.

I couldn't help but to lean down and rub his ears.

Just as my hands went to my shirt buttons, I looked down at Connell's expectant face.

Doing a circular motion with my finger, I watched as Connell slowly turned. I completely took of my shirt, dropping it on top of his clothes. I could see his paws dig into the dirt as he tried not to look.

I rolled my eyes as I took off my shoes, and then my pants. Last, I took off my necklace, tucking it in my bra. Looking at the trail, I realized it would probably be really weird if someone just saw us changing.

I let Dottie take over has I exhaled, and my bones cracked as I shifted into my wolf. It was more painful than normal, since I had forgotten again to go running. The pain subsided when I was completely in my wolf form, but I still felt achy in my bones.

Nudging Connell to turn around with my nose, I admired his wolf. He was much bigger than me, with a nice warm caramel coat. It seemed to have gotten lighter since I last saw him, but I think it was just my eyes.

Connell leaned down and licked me on my ear, which was a form of affection. Biting him lightly on his shoulder, I left him in the trail, padding into the woods.

Connell picked up our clothes in his mouth and followed me. Lowering my nose to the ground, I smelled for any sign of Jay.

I couldn't smell anything, so I continued forward, smelling the ground every few meters. Connell followed me, his ears perking as he listened for Jay.

I slowed as we came to a clearing, my nose to the grass as I smelled for Jay. The smell that covered the ground was unfamiliar, but it was of another wolf.

My eyes went to Connell, who was a few paces in front of me, looking at the woods with narrowed eyes.

As I lifted my foot to take a step towards him, a flash of black distracted me. Before I could move, I was shoved down by a large wolf.

Before I could kick the wolf off, his large canines sunk into my leg. I let out a howl as I wiggled away from him, kicking his face.

Connells large wolf pounced on top of the smaller animal, snarling viciously as he bit the wolf in the shoulder. The pressure on my leg was released as the wolf yelped, falling off of me.

I cowered away from them, watching intensely as Connell put his weight fully on the wolf, his growl thundering through the woods.

I closed my eyes as Connells teeth bit into the wolves side, causing deep gauges to appear.

Connell stood, still snarling as the wolf whimpered, limping away into the woods.

Turning to me, Connell returned to normal, worry clouding his eyes. He padded over, licking the side of my muzzle. He examined my leg, listening to my cries as blood started to pool under my leg.

I would have to change back into a human, because the skin starts to mend itself in human form, much quicker than in wolf form.

I shut my eyes tightly as Connell shifted back to his human form, listening to his steps as he put on his pants.

"You can shift now," Connell told me, and I opened my eyes to see him turned away from me.

Shifting painfully, I returned to my normal body as I laid on the ground. I groaned as my hand went to my thigh, which had a large gash down the side.

Connell tried not to look as he grabbed his coat from our clothes, wrapping it around me. He pulled it back slightly too look at the gash, worry etched on his face.

"You're going to be okay Ruby," he assured, wiping away some of the blood with his shirt. He grabbed my shirt and handed it to me, before leaving me to try and change.

The gash was already healing itself, the blood starting to clot slowly.

When I had gotten my underwear and shirt on, I called Connell back over. He picked me up, holding me close to his body.

"Why do they want my necklace so badly," I mumbled as my hands tightened around my necklace. Connell looked down at me as he walked through the forest, his expression unclear.

"I don't know darling..." He said slowly, sighing as he walked onto the path. I put my face in his shirt, inhaling his scent deeply to calm down. I wanted to cry, but I felt like if I started I wouldn't stop.

As we came to the turn in the path, Jay popped out, barking happily. I eyed him as he wagged his tail happily.

"See, we found him," Connell told me, rubbing my arm. I looked up to him, my eyes narrowing.

He leaned his head down and kissed my cheek, before continuing on the path.

It took a bit, but we finally came to the parking lot. Once we had arrived, Connell put me in the passenger seat of his car.

He sped on the drive home, watching me. My leg had stopped bleeding, and would begin to slowly mend itself, which would take a few days.

As he helped me up his porch stairs, I started to think about my parents.

"I should probably call them..." I said slowly, thinking of their reactions when they realize I hadn't joined them.

Connell agreed, looking through my pants pockets to find my phone. After he handed it to me, he helped me up onto his kitchen counter, before looking for his med kit. I texted them that I had decided to go home, since I was still feeling quite ill. They must not have gotten it, because neither of them replied.

He patched me up quickly, first by running some water over it, cleaning the dried blood off. The cut wasn't as big as it could have been, and since it would naturally mend itself, It didn't need stitches. Connell wrapped some white bandages tightly around it, before moving me to his couch.

"I need to go get your car," Connell said after he wrapped a blanket around me.

"Wait," I stopped him, grabbing his arm.

Connell looked down at me, tilting his head as he waited for me to speak.

I took a deep breath, giving him a serious look.

"Take care of my car, she's my baby."

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