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❁ C H A P T E R  T E N ❁

"When I feel the heat, I see the light."

-Everett Dirksen

D A T E  : 4/24/18

It was evening when I woke up from my nap. The sky was turning a bruised purple, with a soft mix of pastels. Not that I could pay attention to that, because all I could pay attention to was the uncomfortable heat.

Sitting up, I kicked the blankets off of me, getting off my bed. My skin was sticky and hot, making me groan as I tried to cool off. Tying my hair into a bun, I opened my window and leaned out, taking a deep breath. The cold air nipped at my face and neck, before the effect was lost.

Nothing seemed to work. The heat spread through my body, and I could feel my skin getting red. Soon, it became unbearable, causing me to shed my clothes. My room was suffocating me as I tried gasping for breaths, though it was to no avail, because I could never catch my breath.

I filled up my bathtub with cold water, and got in as soon as possible, breathing heavily. Hastily, I submerged myself in the water, holding my breath. Just like the window, it had a short term effect, before completely diminishing.

Staying like that for a few moments, I tried to get the heat out of my mind, but alas, it was all I could think about.

It was starting to hurt.

Sitting up, I grabbed the sides of the tubs, and yelled at the top of my lungs for Zach.

"Zach!" I screamed, my voice cracking half way through. My body was on fire, and I felt as though I was naked in the savannah.

On my fifth plea, I heard my bedroom door swing open, and my brother run in. He stopped at the bathroom door, his eyes looking towards the ceiling. Through blurry eyes I could see his bronzed skin and curly hair, and a warmth of familiarity flooded through me. For a second, I felt the relief of knowing I was going to be safe.

"Ruby, what's wrong?" He asked urgently, his hand going to cover his eyes as he turned slightly away from me. I couldn't speak, I could only cry out in pain. Zach's expression changed to shock as he heard me cry, before going back to alarmed.

Zach didn't understand, but he tried to help, anyways. Blindly walking forward, he patted around for a towel, knocking over my trashcan. Once he found what he was looking for, he opened it, and tossed it over me. Before I could rip it off, he reached down to hold it on me, opening his eyes.

I tried to fight him but I was too weak, only slipping in the tub. Another wail was ripped from my lips as my tears started to fall. Though I wouldn't say I cried a lot, it seemed as though I'm always crying as of late.

"What's wrong Ruby!" He demanded once again, shaking me as he tried to get an answer. My sobs became quiet and I couldn't pay much attention, my mind fading in and out.

"It burns." Was all I managed to choke out.

Zach looked distressed, not knowing what to do. I cried for a bit longer, until the fatigue took over. My body became heavy and weak, and I became quiet.

Silently, I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. The last thing I could hear was Zach calling my name.


I woke up to the soft murmur of my parents. I couldn't focus on what they were saying, but the first voice to become clear was Zach. He was talking in a rushed voice to my parents, worry laced into his voice.

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