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❁ C H A P T E R  T E N ❁


It's a normality in my household for me to wake up late, so when I woke up early, hell nearly froze over. Cuddled with the fact that it was a Wednesday, my laziest day, my parents were very suspicious.

I woke up without an alarm, or my brother yelling at me. It was dark, the moon still bright in the sky. It would be a full moon in a few days, which I tried to push out of my mind.

Dottie was still sleepy when I dragged myself out of bed. I hadn't looked at the time, figuring it was late as always. It was only when I pulled back my curtains and saw the moonlit darkness, that I realized something was off.

The time on my clock indicated I had an hour and a half to get ready for school. Normally I'd have 20 minutes, so this was a pleasant surprise.

I wasn't sure the speed of which to get ready, since I knew I didn't have to go turbo speed like normal.

Then sparked a brilliant idea.

Connell was going to want me.

I spread my makeup on my counter, looking at the brushes and bottles in desperation. I needed this to go well. Concealer, foundation, some watery stuff, some pink stuff. It all seemed to fit as I applied, and by the end, I was impressed with myself.

I didn't look half bad.

Picking out a dress was hard, but I ended up going with a white dress that was cinched at the waist and flowed down to my thighs. "How Pure," Dottie snorted. I snapped back at her in my head as I tried to find shoes.

My hair was a mess, as always, so I decided to just put it in Dutch braids. Even when I was done with that, I still had time to leisure around.

Everyone was already downstairs talking, and just like Saturday, I could hear them talking in hushed whispers to each other. My parents seemed to be questioning Zach about something, so I stepped back a few steps so I could safely listen.

"Honey, we just want to help Ruby, so if you know what's going on with her, just please tell us," My mother pleaded Zach, her voice had a undertone of urgency. I closed my eyes, trying to listen closer.

He wouldn't tell, would he? He promised he wouldn't, and I trusted him with my life, but what if he did because he thought it would help me.

He sighed, "Mom, I'm not the one to tell you what's happening with her. She just wants space right now."

My mother wasn't pleased with that answer, sighing. She was pacing from one side of the kitchen to the other, a habit I inherited.

"She seems fine, honestly mom. I think you're just over reacting," my brother's voice faded off, and I could tell he was trying to sound convincing. He wanted to help me, I knew, and I also knew that he felt completely useless keeping it to himself. For me, though, that was what I felt was necessary.

I decided to end his misery and went down the stairs, a smile on my face. My father looked up from his paper as I walked in, shock caste on his face.

Isn't it weird when your family finds it shocking that your awake early?

My brother was leaning against the kitchen counter, his arms crossed and a contemplative look on his face.

"Hello family," I grinned as I walked in, checking the time on the clock as I walked towards the table. There was nothing there, product of me being so early, which was good, because I wasn't actually planning on eating anything.

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