IV // D I N N E R P A R T Y

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"Dinner Party"

The look on his face when his eyes met mine was pure confusion, and then in a split second he composed himself. He was obviously not aware that I was his next door neighbor, and by the way his shoulders became stiff, I'm sure it wasn't a welcomed surprise.

I gave him a tight lipped smile, moving to the side so that he could come in. He gave me a curt nod, slipping in past me. I followed a few steps behind until we diverged as we came into the open living room.

"Mr. Wood, I'm so glad you could make it!" my mother said cheerfully, wiping her hands on her brown apron.

She came out from behind the kitchen counter and gave him a friendly hug. I rolled my eyes, walking over to the couch. My mother was always friendly with other people, though I'm sure if she knew who Connell really was she wouldn't be as fond.

Connell and my parents talked to each other while the food was being made, which in my eyes made the food take way longer. Zach came to join me on the couch, sighing when he realized it was going to be a few minutes until we could eat.

By the time my parents and Connell were done talking enough time had passed to the point that I was too hungry to care that Connell was even there. Dottie had completely reserved herself, the same way she had done a few days before. It hurt me, her blocking me out, but I understand how she felt.

I sat at one head of the table and Connell sat at the other. Us being directly across from each other didn't help the burning in my chest. Our eyes never met, him looking at his plate most of the time, and me looking anywhere but him.

I sighed in relief when my mother started to place the food on the table, but gave me a look when I attempted to grab some of it. I could hear her nagging voice in my head, wait until it's all on the table you hungry wolf.

Finally the last dish was set down and I just started to grab. I piled my food onto my plate, nibbling on a breadstick as I served myself. Once everyone had gathered their food, my mother started making conversation.

"Ruby, how was your day," my mother asked. I picked up another breadstick, much against the narrowed look she gave me.

"Fine," I mumbled, stabbing my salad with my fork. My mother tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear, giving me another look that meant elaborate.

"I just, didn't do much."

Letting my fork rest on the rim of my bowl, I tore apart yet another breadstick. My mother let out a hum, before turning to my brother, asking him how he was. I was glad to have her off of me, knowing she was just trying to get an answer out of me because we had company. On any other day, she would have been okay with just a "fine".

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