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❁ C H A P T E R S I X T E E N ❁

D A T E :  6/17/18

I've never had a clear vision of my future. Now, it's more foggy than ever. Though I never knew what I wanted to do, or be, I always knew I had a mate to fall back on. Someone who would always care, and encourage me.

That went out to window.

It didn't use to be a problem, especially before Connell came. Now, with Connell's rejection, more problems then that has started to arise.

"What do you mean I won't graduate?"

My voice was high and pitchy, and I was beyond flustered. I was sitting in the principals office, learning news that could only be matched by being rejected by Connell.

My principal, Dr. Ridley sat patiently across from me, his face unmoving. He was a stout man, with a red face and always narrowed eyes. He was also a werewolf, and one who's always been dead set on ruining my life.

That might be a slight exaggeration, but that's what I feel.

"You're grade has gone down so much in a month, that I'm almost impressed. You see, if you fail this class, you won't have enough credits to graduate," He said, showing me my credits line up. Right, bare minimal, as always.

"O-Okay, but I can do something about it, right!?" I asked, sitting up straighter in my chair. Dr. Ridley sighed, standing.

"You can, but will you? Probably not. Which is why I'm putting you in a study group."

I looked at him, processing his words.

"You're kidding, right?"

Dr. Ridley shook his head, moving on the other side of his desk.

"Mr. Wood has, as of this moment, has an after school study group," He smiled at me in a weird, 'gotcha!' kind of way. "And you are its first member."

My jaw slacked, and I felt anger prickle in my body. Anger, shame, unhappiness? Maybe a mix of all 3.

"I don't.." I started, but couldn't finish my sentence. My English grade completely plummeted after Connell came. I couldn't pay attention for a long time, and I was so upset most of the other times that I didn't get any work done.

"There will be a few more additions to the club," he then looked me in the eye and sighed, getting this dad-like look on his face. "I'm doing this because you're a smart girl, and one day could be an incredible young woman."

I just stared some more, not knowing what to say. What do you say when your principal goes all caring on you?

Shifting uncomfortable, I just nodded. He suddenly smiled and clapped, standing.

"Great, now, meetings will be twice a week for two hours, for a month!" He stood, and motioned for me to stand.

"But isn't that a bit much?" I asked as he led me out. Shaking his head, he opened his door and made me leave, stopping at the doorframe.

"We haven't even been in school for 3 months yet!" I continued, moving my hands wildly. "What could we possibly study for that long!"

"Nonsense!" Mr. Ridley laughed, looking at his watch.


"You will be fine," He interrupted me, nearly slamming the door in my face. Letting out a long sigh, which turned into a groan, I moved away from the door. The scent of vanilla caught my attention.

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