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C H A P T E R  F I F T E E N

D A T E : 5/26/18


Life seemed to continue moving after my encounter with Connell. Though my heart still quivered whenever I saw him, I didn't. I could actually be in the same room as him without wanting to pass out, which was good.

We found a routine of normalcy, even if it was for a short period of time. It was on a rather cold afternoon, though, that my life once again started moving. This time, full force.

"Can I have a cheeseburger, a small fry, and a large Pepsi- wait, no- diet Pepsi?" Maddie called out of the window into the speakers. Her sunglasses were perched low on the bridge of her nose as she glanced at Sara, who had a murderous look on her face.

The person taking the orders was silent, before finally speaking.

"Um, Ma'am, this is Starbucks?"

There was another long spout of silence, before Maddie smiled, turning away from Sara towards the ordering box.

"Oh, okay, thanks!" She chirped, pulling her car into the parking lot. As we left Starbucks, I put my chin into the palm of my hand, smiling.

"Your crazy," was all I said.

"Any dares you give me relating to food will be answered, I can promise you that!" Maddie laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh with her. We had spent our day around town, fulfilling stupid dares. Sara was loosing majorly because she refused to participate in 'such stupid activities'.

"I have worse dares than that, Maddie," Sara said, crossing her arms. "I was just being easy."

Maddie looked at Sara out of the corner of her eye, tapping her fingers on the wheel.

"Oh yeah?" She asked, curious. Sara just nodded slightly, an evil glint in her eyes.

"Maddie, do what's best and let it go," I told Maddie, and she just sighed. "And Sara, stop agitating!"

Sara let out a humph and looked away, squinting from the sunlight.

I looked at my phone, yawning when I saw the time. It was only mid-afternoon, but I considered that naptime.

"I'm tired, take me home," I demanded annoyingly, causing Maddie to nearly crash the car trying to hit me. I kicked blindly in her direction, letting out a playful yell.

It was a good thing we were driving on such an empty road.

"What's the magic word?" Maddie asked, rearing away from my kicks. I let out a loud hum, tapping my finger on my chin.

"Please?" I asked, but Maddie only shook her head. Crossing my arms, I gave her a look.


"It's 'Please Holy One'"

I blinked a few times, before shaking my head.

"Please holy one?" I asked, and she gave an approving nod. Sara snorted from her seat, looking up from her sketchbook.

"Nothing holy about you!" She laughed, and Maddie scoffed, throwing a quarter at her.

"Shut up! I am holy, thank you very much," Maddie defended, looking for another thing to throw at the still-laughing Sara.

Looking up with a mischievous glint in her eyes, Sara moved her feet from the dashboard, pointing her finger at Maddie.

"I'm sure Zach wouldn't say that!" Sara accused, and Maddie's mouth fell open. She yelled at Sara, who started to sink in her sink, her hands dramatically going to her hair.

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