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"Rejection is a hard pill to swallow"

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"Rejection is a hard pill to swallow"

Date :  2/18/18


C H A P T E R  T W O

My heart was pounding. I could hear each individual beat in my ears and feel it pulse in the tips of my fingers. This man was my mate?

I blinked a few times, before I broke my gaze. Looking down at my desk, I squeezed my hands into tight balls and took a long, deep breath. It didn't help, because with every inhale I was confronted with the sweetness of his smell.

He moved from the door to his desk. Every footstep weighed in my head, and every time he breathed it was as loud as a pan being smashed. Dottie was whimpering in excitement.

"Alright, first I would like to do the roll. Please say here when I get to your name," He called out. His voice was deep and smooth, it made something burn in my stomach. I glanced up, swallowing as I took him in again. He didn't look up at me, instead his eyes were trained on his clipboard.

He went through the first few names. Every name that passed, he would glance up and his eyes would meet mine, until he would place the name with the right person. His posture was rigid as he went down the list. It wasn't long before he found my name, and he called it out.

He looked at me immediately after he said it. I forced out a small "here" through my tight lips, my voice mousey. His gaze lingered on me for a moment, before his gaze returned back to the clipboard.

Once he finished calling roll, he put his paper down. He picked up a cow figurine from Ms. C's desk, turning it over in his hand with a frown, his eyebrows knit in confusion. He looked up again, putting the figurine down.

"My name is Mr. Wood, I am going to be your substitute for this semester as Ms. Crimson is recovering from her fall," My mate said. A few kids snickered, but under his dark glare they fizzed out into silence.

"I was told that you all have notebooks that you do warmups in," he said, "I want you to write a paragraph about yourselves." He looked back at the roll one more time, before his eyes met mine.

"Ms. Delson, a moment, please."

Everyone stifled a groan as the dug in their bag to find their notebooks. I choked down a swallow, grinding my teeth as I met his eyes. His gaze was fleeting, and for a moment he watched over the class before leaving the classroom.

I stood sluggishly, holding my breath. My anxiety was through the roof as I walked after him, my heart still thundering in my chest. Dottie was starting to quiet down, curious about what was going to happen.

He was leaning against the wall next to the door, tapping his foot as he waited for me. Once I stepped through he shut the door quietly, pressing his back against it once he heard it click close. I clutched my hands together, anxiously looking around, waiting for him to speak.

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