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❁ C H A P T E R  S E V E N T E E N ❁

D A T E : 7/11/18


"Move your ass Maddie!"

Sara leapt forward and grabbed the hem of Maddie's shirt, pulling her forward. With a screech, both of them fell to the ground, off of the bed. Maddie had been standing directly in front of the tv while the commercials played, looking in the mirror that was behind it.

"Gordon Ramsey is on!" Sara shouted, standing up again and jumping on my bed. I sat crisscross, rolling my eyes at her. She had an unhealthy obsession.

Maddie stood slowly, groaning. Crawling onto the bed, she laid horizontally, putting her head on my stomach. I lifted the paper I was working on, eyeing her.

"I'm injured," She muttered slowly, lifting her hand to her eyes dramatically. Sara snorted, but continued watching her tv show.

"You know not to get in the way of Sara's tv shows," I told her, and she grimaced.

It was Friday night, and we were having our annual once a month sleep over. This was a mandatory sleep over that happened the 3rd Friday of every month. It was not to be missed, no matter the circumstances.

This time my parents were out on a pack conference, so I took the liberty of holding the sleepover. I also forced Zach to leave and stay at his friends house, though Maddie was against the idea.

"We should make cookies," Maddie said suddenly, sitting up. I furrowed my eyebrows, tilting my head. Cooking was none of our strong suits.

"That sounds like a bad idea," Sara turned off the tv, looking unhappy.

"It was a rerun," She informed us.

"Well, we could try," I tapped my fingers, bending to Maddie's will. It was hard not to when she looked so excited.

"Yes! And you can even eat the cookie dough," Maddie promised Sara, who looked cautious.

"I might skip on that," Sara said slowly. She loved cookie dough and any form of sweets, like me, but by the looks of it, she wasn't sure it would be edible.

Rolling off of the bed, Maddie grabbed Juju and ran towards the door.

"Hey, no taking my dog hostage!" I called after her, but she was already half way down the stairs.

Sara sighed and stood up, looking towards me.

"This is your fault."

Walking out the door, she went after Maddie. I followed her out, and soon we were all looking through the cabinets.

Sara was on her phone looking up a recipe, calling out ingredients every once and a while. By some grace, we had all the ingredients. Once all of them were laid out, we decided to get started.

"Cream together the butter and sugar," Sara called out to us. Maddie and I both looked at each other, immediately confused.

"Cream?" We asked. Sara just shrugged, showing us the phone. That was indeed what it said.

Before we could move forward, Sara let out a high pitched yelp, standing. Looking over, we saw her watching the glass down at the end of the hallway intensely. It led to the backyard, which was pitch black, other than the illumination from the 2 backyard lights.

"What's wrong?" I asked, walking over to look out the door. There was nothing that I could see. The thought of investing in some pretty outdoor lights crossed my mind.

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