The Date pt. 2

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the date part two

Connell's driving is much more responsible than mine, but that also means it takes forever. It took an hour to get to our destination, which was a few towns over from home.

"Please tell me," I whined for the 18th time, putting my feet up on his dash. Connell looked at me out of the corner of his eyes, before he leaned over to swat my feet down.

"It's a surprise for a reason Ruby, if not, it would be boring," He answered me. I puffed my cheeks out, looking away from him in distaste.

Childish, yes. Surprises and me never went together. When I was a kid, Zach surprised me with silly string a few too many times, and my liking for surprises flew out of the window.

"You'll like it," Connell promised. I looked at him apprehensively, but could only figure he wouldn't mess up our first date. That would be a bad idea.

Laying my head back, I closed my eyes. The sky was darkening rapidly, putting me in the mood to take a catnap.

I felt a nudge at my shoulder, and swatted it away, crinkling my nose.

"Ruby darling, wake up," Connell said gently, picking up my hand. I opened my eyes, and was surprised to see a vast array of lights.

In front of me was an opening to.. something. A large arch of twisted wood indicated the entrance, and a sign next to it indicated what it was.

Serenity Light Garden?

There were tall green hedges blocking my view of the inside, but I could see that it was lit up. Soft white lights hung down the hedges, illuminating the sidewalk.

"What is this place?" I asked, rubbing my eyes so I could focus.

"It's a light garden. They put lights everywhere and you can eat outside, then you can walk around when you're done."

I looked at the entrance, and the various people entering at their pace. A small smile found my face, and I looked at him.

"You're right, I do like this," I told him.

A relieved look crossed Connell's face, before his normal calm look came back.

"Come on then," Connell said, getting out. I followed in suit, leaving the warmth of the car to meet him. He waited for me at the sidewalk, taking my hand once I got to him.

As we walked to the entrance, he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. Dottie flourished in the closeness, howling so much I had to block her out.

As the walked through the entrance, I could finally see the inside a bit better. Though the inside was sectioned off into different seating areas, it was well lit with different colored lights. Most we white, with a few pastel lights in other sections.

Straight back, there was an exit, which led to a much bigger areas, with no tables, and just flowers and lights.

There were all types of flowers- these purple ones that looked like starfish, small little white ones that jut out of a stone wall at the far side of the establishment- near the kitchen. Big puffy pink flowers, and little pink flowers, that I recognized as pansy's.

"They replant flowers every season, to keep up with the weather," Connell whispered into my ear as we walked up to the Host Stand.

"Sounds like a pain in the ass," I whispered back, and Connell pinched me in the side, watching the hostess with a smile.

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