Puppy Fight

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"What do you think Shakespeare's motivation for writing this poem was?"

I glared forward at Connell, tapping my fingers on my desk. He gave me a smile back, pointing to the board that had something about Shakespeare written on it. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to read whatever it said, before giving up.

Connell was mad at me because I had 'kidnapped' his dog over the weekend. I disregarded the 'kidnapped' part, because I had simply borrowed him while Connell was at the gym, and took him to the doggy park.

If anything, I am doing a good service for him. And after Connell had realized I had taken him, I offered to give him back after we played ball with my own dog. Connell wasn't very pleased.

Connell conceals his anger and just does petty things, such as make your life just a bit harder. He's like one of those house wives that slowly poisons their husband.

He's been calling me all class, in an effort to make me look foolish in front of my classmates, but jokes on him, I do that all by myself.

Either way, his attempts are fruitless, because I'm just as petty as him.

"I think he's sexually frustrated."

Connell's eyebrow went up, and he looked at the poem. My classmates whispered to themselves, laughing quietly.

"How do you suppose?" Connell asked, standing from his desk. He walked a few steps closer, making his way over to me slowly. Everyone turned to me, expectantly.

"Well, Shakespeare is obviously a creep- I mean come on, have you read Romeo and Juliet?" I continued, trying to keep my voice steady and act like I actually knew what I was talking about. I didn't, but confidence was key.

"And well," I smiled, looking straight at Connell. "Men tend to get sexually frustrated easily."

People couldn't conceal their laughs as Connell frowned at me, shaking his head. I saw the start of a smile on his lips as he turned away, walking towards the front board.

"Unfortunately Ms. Delson, that has absolutely nothing to do with Sonnet IV- good try though," Connell shook his head as he called on someone else, who had an actual answer.

From there, the class went on like a snails pace. Even Connell himself seemed rather uninterested in whatever he was talking about. He continued directing his questions at me, but stopped when he realized I was only going to give him stupid answers.

When class had ended, Connell called me to stay behind. He didn't let me stay behind most days because he didn't want it to look suspicious. Though I was 18, he was still my teacher – even temporarily. He told me he was going to quit teaching after the semester ended, though he never said what he would do next.

I walked up slowly, looking at the tiles on the floor as I got to his desk. When I got to his sides, he put down the papers he was sorting, and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked. He didn't sound anger, nor did he look it. It was almost like a smart ass kind of anger, and it annoyed me.

"What are you doing?" I copied, crossing my arms.

Since he was being such a jackass, I figured I might as well get any form of revenge I could get. Uncrossing my arms, I gave him a look, and started walking towards the door.

I ignored his calls for me to come back, and ignored Dottie, who sighed exasperatedly.

"Why do you guys always have issues with each other?" She complained, and I could imagine her rolling onto her side. His wolf and her never had problems, they were always happy.

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