Family Dinner

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I brushed my hair violently to get it to settle down. Of course, the brown knots only got worse, resulting in the brush almost getting stuck in my hair.

Sighing in frustration, I threw my brush to the side and tied my hair back with a scrunchy. Like normal, my curls won.

It was the second day of break, and my family had spent the day at home, preparing a dinner. My mother decided that Connell should come, and called him to ask if he'd come over.

To his own demise, he said yes. I tried to tell him it was a bad idea, but he wouldn't listen to me.

We'll see how that turns out.

Looking in my closet, I found loosely fitted white dress that I figured would work for dinner. Naturally I'd be cold, but I figured I could just blast the heat and tell no one.

When I got downstairs, everyone was running into each other, trying to get figured out. I sat on the couch, putting my feet on the coffee table.

My mother came up to me, swatting my feet down.

"Ruby, why don't you go get Mr. Connell," My mother commanded, looking towards the door.

Standing up, I trudged to the door. Leaving the house quickly, I walked across my lawn, then the street, and straight to his door.

Connell had an issue with locking doors, tending to leave his open, so I walked right in. The house was lit, and I knew he had just been in there, but it was quiet.

Heightening my senses, I could hear the sounds of him shuffling around upstairs.

Patting his dog on the head, I walked up the stairs as swiftly as possible, trying to make as little sounds as possible.

When I got to the top floor, I waited, trying to listen to where he was. Walking on my tiptoes, I put my ear to his door to listen for him. I couldn't hear him, so I opened the door slowly.

I surveyed the room, but he was nowhere to be found. His bathroom door was closed, but I could hear him shuffling around.

Creeping to the wall, I tried to figure out how I could scare him. As I looked for a place to hide, a picture caught my attention.

On his dresser was a silver frame, and inside it, was a picture and who I assumed was his family.

I saw his parents, who were brightly smiling. His dad had an arm wrapped around his shoulder, and his mom was hugging his arm.

I tilted my head as I looked at another figure in the corner of the picture. He was tall, and had the same kind of build as Connell. He also had the same facial features, only differing by having blonde hair.

While Connell was smiling, the man seemed to be glaring into the camera. I felt a shiver run down my back as I looked into his eyes.

They were coal black.

I was so entranced by the picture, that I didn't even notice a figure creeping up behind me.

I squealed as I felt arms wrap around me, and a lips press quickly onto my cheek. Connell pulled me away from his dresser, sitting me on his bed.

He kissed me once again, this time tugging on a piece of my hair. Slapping his hands away, I climbed fully onto his bed, sitting so I could look at him.

He seemed to be in high spirits, humming as he buttoned his white shirt. I lifted my eyes from his chest, smiling.

Connell caught my look and shook his head, tsking.

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