The Christmas Tree

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I narrowed my eyes at Connells dull living room, taking in the dark woods and unlit-fireplace. It was like he was the grinch, living in a colorless pit of hell.

"What is wrong with you?" I demanded, crossing my arms as I looked at Connell. He was staring at the same space as I, but with a blank expression. It changed to confusion as he looked at me.

"What?" He asked back, looking over the space. Though it was a clear sunny day, the curtains he had hung up caused a dark shadow to dim the room. The only colorful item he had was a bright blue blanket that he had draped over his spot on the couch- which happened to be mine.

"It's Christmas!" I responded, in a tone that pushed that it was the most obvious thing in the world. Connell furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at me.

Pinching my cheek, he tsked, "It's not Christmas."

I squeezed my eyes shut, smacking away his hand. He chuckled, leaving me in the doorway to go to his kitchen.

I followed him, letting my bag drop to the floor with a slam. Rubbing my cheek, I climbed onto one of his stools.

"Okay, so not Christmas," I admitted scornfully. "Christmas time!"

"And?" he asked, looking through his cabinets for a glass. I frowned, narrowing my eyes at him.

"And," A dramatic pause. "Your house is decorated as though you're going to be executed on the 25th!"

Connell rolled his eyes, handing me a soda. I just stared at him, waiting for a response.

He blinked a few times. "I didn't have any reason to decorate."

I put my hands out, pointing towards myself with big eyes. "Me!" I exclaimed. "You decorate for me!"

He leaned against the counter, his blue eyes meeting mine. I gave him my heartbreaker smile, leaning forward ever so slightly. I could feel him break under my gaze, his wolf pushing him to bend to me.

I loved his wolf, always making him do stuff he doesn't want to do. Dottie tends to have the opposite effect, stopping me from doing stupid stuff. Well, she tries at least.

"Okay fine," He sighed, shaking his head. I grinned, hopping off of my stool.

"Yay," I cheered, clapping my hands. Once I calmed down, I laid out a game plan.

"The most important thing we need to get is a tree," I told him, pulling him by the hand to his living room. He let me pull him along, grumbling underneath his breath.

I pointed towards a lonely corner. "We move the chair, put in the tree there. I'll even decorate it- sort of."

"A tree," he grimaced. "The nearest farm we can go to is 2 towns away."

"What about McGreggors?" I asked. McGreggors were local farm, who bought trees from Northern Virginia to sell.

"Too close, people will be there," He said.

Ah, right. Forgot he was still my English teacher.

"Fine," I said, leaning back. "But we have to go tonight. I have to help with the dance committee all week, absolutely no way to get out of it."

Connell just shrugged, falling back onto his couch with a sigh. I sat next to him, hugging his side.

It was cold in his house, but it was cold everywhere. Not uncomfortably cold though- the good kind of Christmas cold, that you endure because you love the season. When it becomes winter, the fun affect wears off, and you just wish it would all melt away.

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