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❁ C H A P T E R  T H I R T E E N ❁

D a t e : 5/12/18

I hate silence.

Pure silence, in particular. Something about the skin crawling nothing, drives me crazy. The type of silence where you can hear the pulse of your heart in your ears.

I woke up to silence, something that was almost foreign. In my house there was always a steady throb of sound, whether it be the near-constant sound of my families chatter, or my tv that I forgot to turn off.

I was creeped out by the silence. My body was heavy, but as soon as I could, I moved my hand to my face. After I had rubbed my eyes, I let them adjust to the sun-lit room. The first thing I noticed was the ceiling.

Instead of the glow in the dark stars I've had since I was a child, it was a slate of dull beige. There was a large window to the left, which curtains were tied back to let the warm sunlight in. A chair in the corner, a dresser on the side.

Definitely not my room.

Lifting myself up, I looked around the room, taking in all the details. I took a deep breath, taking in the sickly sweet smell of Vanilla. It was all over the room, all over the blankets, all over me.

Taking the clothe of the oversized t-shirt in my hands, I rubbed the material, before letting it fall.

I tried to recall what had happened the night before, but to no avail.  I could remember playing the card game bullshit with my brother, before blacking out in the middle of yelling Peanut Butter.

Tying my hair up, I crawled out of bed, and moved to the door, cracking it open. The house was familiar, and flashes of my childhood came back to me. Running through the halls, being yelled at. This was once Mecah's home. The home of happiness, and sorrow.

I pushed down my thoughts as I walked forward down the hall. Sharpening my hearing, I could hear the sound of movement downstairs. I took my time walking down the stairs, preparing myself for the inevitable.

Once I reached the downstairs, I stopped at the bottom, and peered around the corner. Connell was in the kitchen, flipping pancakes on the stove. My mother was drinking coffee, looking as much as a mess as me.

Once Connell noticed my scent, he looked up, straight at me peering from the corner. My face got hot as I stepped away, pushing my back against the wall. My mother must have heard, and called me in.

"Ruby, baby, come eat breakfast," She called, and I followed her orders begrudgingly. Connell had returned to fixing up breakfast when I walked in, which relieved me.

Sitting on a stool at the counter, I waited patiently while Connell placed a plate of food in front of me. Ignoring Connell, I started eating, and was halfway through my plate before he even sat down. It was a weird feeling, being so close to him, doing average people things.

"Mr. Wood was such a good help, Ruby. You should thank him- and stop eating like a rabid dog!" My mother rambled, and I could see Connell smirk as he took a sip of his Coffee.

Frowning at her, I swallowed my pancakes and sat back, looking bored. There was no way I was going to say thank you. My mother let out a sigh before standing.

"I'm going to go home, why don't you finish up eating," My mother told me, before leaving. Connell and I sat in silence, before I started to eat my pancakes once again.

"Do you feel alright?" Connell asked quietly, causing me to look up. I'm sure my face was not pleasant so I looked away, taking another bite of my food. He took that as a sign, and went back to sipping his coffee.

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