Complete Me (Scomiche) (Fluff)

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This is my first one shot. Please message me with requests! :) I'm still working on Stars Align and the sequel to One Night! Let me know what you think <3


Complete Me (Scomiche)


“STOPPP!!!!” Mitch hit Scott hard in the arm as Scott tickled him.

“OW!” Scott jumped back, grasping his arm and looking down at the tiny man. “That was hard!!!”

“I told you not to tickle me!” Mitch scolded him. He got up off the couch and started into the kitchen.

“Wait, don’t leave me!” Scott whined.

Mitch turned and looked at his boyfriend sitting on the couch. Scott smiled up a big smile at him and Mitch couldn’t help but smile back. “I’ll be right back, I promise.” Mitch said sweetly.

Scott smirked and lay down on the couch, turning on the TV and cuddling up in his large sweater. Mitch watched him as he did this and smiled to himself. He couldn’t believe Scott was his. He was so happy and content with life.

Inside the kitchen, Mitch made himself a milkshake in their blender and called out to Scott. “Do you want a milkshake, babe?”

No answer.

Mitch laughed to himself and shook his head. “Fell asleep…” He mumbled to himself and then poured the milkshake from the blender to his cup. He stuck a straw in and walked into the living room. Scott was gone.

“Scott?” He called out, confused. He put his milkshake down on the table and headed towards Scott’s bedroom. “Scott?” He called again. Nothing.

Mitch’s phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket.

Scott: Come to the porch!

He walked out of Scott’s bedroom and headed towards the porch doors. Scott was standing outside with a small smile on his face. Mitch smiled back and shut the door behind him so Wyatt wouldn’t escape.

“What’re you doing out here?” Mitch asked.

Scott smiled and walked towards his boyfriend before taking his hands in his. “I didn’t want to do this inside.” He whispered.

“Do what?” Mitch asked, confusion watching over his face.

“I know there’s a lot going on right now…” Scott started.

“Oh my god, are you breaking up with me?!” Mitch put his hands over his mouth in paranoia. Scott’s eyes grew wide and he rubbed his boyfriend’s arms, trying to calm him down.

“I’m not breaking up with you!!” He said, laughing.

Mitch shut his eyes and started laughing. “Fine, okay…”

“Mitch…” Scott said, summoning his boyfriend’s attention up to his eyes. Mitch stared up at him with thoughtful eyes and waited.

Scott leaned down on one knee, making Mitch fly back. “OH my god!!” Mitch threw his hands over his mouth again and Scott laughed.

“Come here…” Scott held his hands out to Mitch, who was now starting to cry. Scott awed and started tearing up himself, but he took a breath and looked up into his boyfriend’s teary eyes.

“Mitch…” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver ring encrusted with diamonds. “Will you marry me?” He asked with a big smile on his face.

Mitch stared at the ring with huge eyes and a smile broke across his face. “YES!!!” He yelled out, jumping up and down. Scott stood up and grabbed his boyfriend by the waist, swinging him around and around as Mitch clutched onto his neck.

Scott put him on his feet and leaned down to kiss him passionately on the lips. “I love you so much.” He said when they pulled away, the tears running down his face.

“I love you too.” Mitch choked out. He looked at the ring and then stuck his hand out and pointed to his ring finger, silently demanding him to put the ring on.

Scott giggled and took Mitch’s hand, slipping the shiny ring onto his finger and studying it after. “It looks perfect.” He whispered.

Mitch stared at the ring and brought a hand to his chest. “You spoil me…” He said breathily and smiled wide.

Scott smiled down at the love of his life. Mitch stared up at him with doe eyes and then stepped forward to kiss his fiancee’s lips. He wrapped his arms around his neck, still sobbing now and then, and getting lost in their passion.

“You complete me.” Scott whispered to the love of his life once they broke apart. Mitch stared up and smiled at his future husband that he loved from the very beginning. 

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now