The Darkness (Scomiche)

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Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99! Thank you for all your ideas :)

OKAY SO...before the story, I want you guys to take a vote: which of my "one shots" should I make a part two out of? I'm only going to do TWO besides Red and Gold, because I'm already halfway through that one. There've been so many comments on my one-shots saying I should continue them, so I'm going to let you decide! :D Please comment with whichever two you think should make the cut!

If you requested a one-shot I'm sorry it might take a while until I get them up. I've been busy lately and I only get to write late at night now. 

Also...survey time...if you guys have any comments on how I write/what I write, let me know. Any criticisms, praise, anything. I want to be the best writer I can be and you guys really help with that! <3 


Scott’s POV

Anger seemed to take over my entire being whenever it reared it’s ugly head. My whole body would become ignited with a fiery heat and my vision would become dull and sometimes I would even black out. I’d start hitting and throwing things just to keep myself from hurting someone that didn’t deserve it. I always feared that…hurting someone that didn’t deserve it. Lately though, I felt like everyone deserved it.

Elementary school was when things started to change. By fifth grade I was bitter and saying things intentionally just to hurt people so no one would mess with me. Middle school was even worse. That’s when I stopped using words and started using fists.

I was 13 when I got into my first fist fight. I tripped that morning and broke my glasses and had to walk around middle school with the cracked frame until my new ones came in the mail. Some kid decided it’d be funny to come up and take them off my face and throw them to the ground, breaking them more.

“Good luck seeing now!” I remembered him laughing, his ugly middle-of-puberty voice tearing right through me.

Something came over me just then, that horrid darkness took me over and I lunged at him, tackling him to the ground and throwing my right fist into his face. I blackened both of his eyes before a teacher pulled me off of him.

“Good luck seeing now!” I yelled mockingly at him before I got screamed at to go to the principal’s office.


I walked out of the principal’s office and saw Mitch standing in the hallway as if he were waiting for me.

“Hey!” He said excitedly once he saw me.

“Hey…” I said, putting my hands in my pockets and staring down at him. His thick rimmed glasses sat on his nose and he looked up at me with these wide, innocent eyes. I admired that so much about him and somehow he was able to deal with me even though I was a mess. He was my best friend and I loved him for even still talking to me.

“Are you going back to class?” He asked happily.

I shook my head. “I’m suspended…I have to wait for my parents.”

His face fell and his eyes went sad. He clutched his books closer to his chest and looked down away from me. Then he shot his head back up at me. “I’ll wait with you!” He said, smiling.

I couldn’t help but smile back. “Yeah, sure…” I said and we walked over towards the door. We sat there in silence for a while, but he stayed with me and that’s what really mattered. He probably shouldn’t be hanging out with someone like me, but at the same time I didn’t want to lose him.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now