Lies (Scomiche)

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Original idea by Lolaaa_xo; I hope you like it! :D

I want to get to know you guys better! So, my name is Megan. I'm a writing student. One of my best friends got me obsessed with Pentatonix about a year and a half ago and it was a blessing upon my life. I've seen them live once and met Kirstie very briefly after the show (she's prettier in person I didn't think it was possible :o). I'm an introvert and I'm a very socially awkward person so I apologize for myself in advance lol. I'm always looking for other Pentaholics to gush with so please feel free to message me and followe me on Tumblr :D -

Okay really I'm updating This House Is Not a Home ASAP. It's been almost a month because I'm the worst person ever so I PROMISE it's coming soon!!


I stormed out of the school with Scott following closely behind. I didn’t even feel like looking at him right now. Not after what I had found out.

“Mitch, stop!” I could hear him running to catch up to me, but I kept going. I couldn’t stand to even look at his face.

“Stop!” He grabbed my arm and I tore it away from him.

“Don’t touch me! Get out of my face!” I continued to storm off and he stared after me.

“Would you just listen to me?!” He yelled. “It was a lie!”

I laughed darkly to myself as I kept walking, bee-lining towards my car.

“I wouldn’t do that to you, Mitch!” He yelled out, but I kept going. I put the key into the door to unlock it and he slammed his hand on the door to stop me from opening it. “Listen to me.” He rubbed my arm lightly, but I shook him off.

“Seriously. BACK OFF!” I yelled in his face and he stared down angrily at me, keeping his other arm pressed against the door. I pulled the handle and tried to open the door anyway, but there was no luck. It slammed back shut and I threw my hands up in frustration. “I don’t want to talk to you right now, dammit!”

His expression was serious, which was odd for the usually happy boy, but he’d messed up big time. I was so angry at him I couldn’t even express it in words.

“You need to let me explain…please.” He put his hands together to beg but instead I flung the door open and climbed inside before he could stop me. I locked the door and immediately started the car with him outside my window, asking me to listen to him. I peeled out of the parking lot as tears started to fill my eyes. It was finally all sinking in what had happened.


Earlier that day…

“That’s not fair.” Avi said again as I waved my A+ paper in his face. “I helped you write that and I only got a B on mine!”

“Sorry, Catherine.” I said, making him roll his eyes at me.

Kirstie came up to us with her books in her hands, looking tired and stressed out. Kevin was behind her, with a big smile on his face as usual. “Hey y’all.” He said happily.

“Hi Kevvy.” I said and showed him my paper. “I got a higher grade than Avi!”

Kevin started laughing his big booming laugh. “That’s hilarious. Sorry Avi. Where’s Scott?”

I became confused and started looking around the hallway as other kids walked by us. “I’m not sure…he’s usually always here.”

“Maybe he’s in the bathroom or something. Whatever, I need to get to math. Later guys.” Kevin waved to us goodbye and Avi left with him.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now