Melody (Scomiche)

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Original story by PTX_Pentaholic99

Been sick with the stomach bug since Saturday night. Got sick at work...almost on a customer. Woops :o

I'm on vacation this week so hopefully I'll be able to update a lot! I decided to scrap What Happens in Vegas. I'm going to focus on Love is Dangerous and then start on Red and Gold, the full story.

Please comment and vote <3 your comments make my day!


"I don't know if Wyatt likes her or not." Mitch said, cradling he and Scott's 4 month old daughter in his arms. "He looks like he wants to eat her." Mitch glared at the hairless shynx sitting on the other end of couch with big eyes.

"He always looks like that!" Scott said as he came into their living room and sat in between Mitch and Wyatt. "He'll warm up to her, I promise." He leaned over and kissed his partner on the cheek while he balanced a mug of hot cocoa in the other.

Mitch sighed as he cradled Melody in his arms protectively. He and Scott made the last minute decision to adopt Melody after meeting her birth mother, Charlotte. Charlie wasn't able to support her and the baby financially, so she was looking to give her up for adoption. Scott and Mitch discussed it for a while and finally adopted baby Mel two weeks ago before Charlie moved off to Detroit. Mitch was always taken aback to see how unmaternal Charlie could be towards her and that's what finally made him make the move. Scott was thrilled as ever, but Mitch was starting to have doubts now that they actually had her. Melody was a good baby, but the permanancy of it all was starting to get to him. What if he and Scott couldn't raise a baby?

"Let me see her." Scott reached under Mitch's arms and took the baby away from him. He cradled her lovingly in his big arms and smiled down as Melody slept on, oblivious to the world. Her dark curly hair poked out from the pink beanie she had on. She wore matching mittens to keep her from scratching her face up and matching booties. Mitch had dressed her in a pink flowery onesie that read "Daddy's Girl."

Scott smiled and laughed. "Aw, I think she just smiled!" He smiled over at Mitch and then back at his daughter. Mitch smiled back but his smile quickly faded. This was all too real for him.


3 months later...

Scott abruptly woke up to hear Melody crying from the nursery across the hallway. "Mitch..." He murmured, but his husband wasn't next to him. He groaned and got up from the bed to go take care of Melody. When he entered the nursery, she was holding herself up against the bars. She looked up at her father with big blue eyes and gave him a smile when he entered the room.

"Hi, beautiful!" Scott said in a sing-song voice as he reached in the crib to take her out. He held her against him as she calmed down from crying, tear streaks run down her face. Scott took her down and fed her breakfast before he realized Mitch was locked in his office. He figured he was working hard, so he left him alone and took Mel with him to run some errands.


"Alright, let's go see your other Daddy." Scott said as he carried groceries in one hand and Melody in the other. He put down the bags to unlock the door and when he did he got a strange feeling wash over him as he entered the house. He carried the bags into the kitchen and set them down. "Mitch?" He called out, but no answer.

He put Mel into her playpen and headed upstairs to find Mitch, but instead he noticed something odd about their bedroom. Mitch's half of the bureau was completely empty. His desk in his office was cleaned out. All of his belongings were gone; vanished into thin air. "Mitch?!" Scott yelled out even though he knows what happened. He'd seen doubt in Mitch's eyes, but Scott always figure it'd melt away once they got used to having a baby in the house. Now the worst had happened...

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now