Because of You, I'm Human (Scomiche)

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Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99

Using the songs: Because of You by Kelly Clarkson and Human by Christina Perry as inspiration.

Enjoy <3


Scott wasn’t too much of an emotional person, but his parents’ inevitable divorce was getting to him. He felt like he shouldn’t even feel sad because ever since he was middle school he knew it was coming. He knew they hated each other; they could never have a conversation without yelling and Scott was always caught in the middle. His parents both bribed him separately as if one was trying to be cooler than the other and he caught on rather quickly, but what could he do? He wanted to make both of his parents happy because he loved them both dearly and now he was torn between deciding who to move out with.

School was especially hard this particular day. Scott was always bright and happy; he was usually the one to make someone’s day better, but today he desperately needed that and his friends weren’t exactly giving it. He didn’t tell them what was wrong either, he just kept his head down at lunch and ate his food in silence as they talked amongst one another.

“I don’t understand why you won’t go out with Anthony!” His friend Riley started saying from next to him. Anthony was a boy in the same grade as Scott that was lusting after him for almost a year but Scott wasn’t interested. Anthony was a troublemaker and wouldn’t be good for him.

“He’s not my type.” Scott said quickly, biting back into his chicken sandwich after and averting his eyes from his friend. He heard a couple of his friends scoff but he ignored it. He didn’t have time to worry about that kind of stuff.

The last thing Scott needed was a relationship after him and Jacob had ended. It was only a three month relationship that ended horribly but it stuck with Scott to this very day and it had ended over a year ago. In losing Jacob to another guy he learned that nothing was permanent, and with his parents’ issues he decided once and for all that it just wasn’t worth it in the long run.

“What about Brian?” Riley asked. “He’s cute.”

Scott just shook his head as he started on his yogurt. “No.” He said sharply, making his friends give him strange glances before going back to their lunches. Scott just stirred his snack mindlessly before getting up and chucking the disposable tray in the trash.

He swung his backpack over his shoulder and exited the lunchroom without another glance at the table. He walked down the hallway with his hands in his pocket as his thoughts raced through his brain. He had to go home into the same storm he’d been dealing with for years and he just wasn’t feeling it. He kept his eyes down as he walked, and then turned a corner too quickly, crashing into someone as he did.

“OW!” The other person said, dropping their books onto the ground.

“Oh, shit!” Scott said apologetically. “I’m sorry!”

“It’s fine.” The boy said, leaning down to pick up his stuff. Scott awkwardly tried to help him but he picked everything up before he could. The guy gave him a half-hearted smile and then started off again before Scott could try apologizing again.

He started to brush it off until he saw the hall pass still on the floor. Scott picked it up and started after the other boy.

“Hey!” He called out. “You forgot – “

The boy stopped and turned, tears streaking down his face. Scott immediately became alarmed and the boy quickly wiped off his face.

“Did…I hurt you?” Scott asked in confusion.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now