Red and Gold, Part 2 (Scomiche)

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Original idea by julygrhy and Scomichemylife <3

Thank you both so much for the awesome idea. I hope you like part 2!

Okayyyy seriously I might turn this into a whole fic, but I'm going to let you guys decide. Please comment with your thoughts. <3 Also, please message me with requests!


I twirled the phone around in my hand while I sat and thought. The text message Mitch sent me almost one month ago was opened on my phone. I couldn't figure out the meaning behind it.

I chose you for a reason.

It was vague and mysterious much as it's sender was. I couldn't get his face out of my mind - those beautiful brown eyes, his striking cheekbones, kissable lips, his facial hair and those tame eyebrows. He was the eptimity of perfection and now it felt like I'd never see him again.

That circus had to play hundreds of shows a year, and that's what irked me. What if he said that to a lot of guys at shows? How many of them had he kissed? It made me sick thinking about it.

I had to get to him though, one way or another. I opened my laptop up and placed it in front of me on my bed while it loaded the circus's website. I opened a schedule and saw that they were in Quebec, Canada. I sighed and rubbed my hand through my hair in frustration. Their next show two days from now would be in Minnesota. I immediately opened up a new tab and started searching for cheap flights.

I know it sounds crazy, but you don't understand. Ever since I met him I couldn't get him out of my head. I tried looking up more about him online, but there was nothing. I couldn't find a damn thing about him and it drove me absolutely insane. My friends were all convinced I had lost my mind, even the one kid that I had a crush on since freshman year started paying attention to me and now I could care less.

I chose you for a reason.

It had to mean something, and I had to find out what.


I landed in Minneapolis the day of the circus and got to the site early to buy myself a ticket. The guy at the booth gave me an odd look. "Going by yourself?" He asked, looking wary.

"I have to do a report for school. This isn't voluntary." I cocked an attitude and he nodded, convinced.

I walked around the site as the workers set up, hoping he'd appear much like he had the last time, but no dice. The workers raised the tents and set up the animal's cages in the same fashion as they did back in Dallas.

It took a while to get everything in place until the gates finally opened. I walked around the site eagerly, visiting the animals and buying food. I tried to enjoy myself but it got boring very quickly. I wanted to see him so badly...where could he be?

The show finally started and I sat near the back of the stadium. My heart went into my throat as the show started. Then there he was, dressed in the same red and gold suit with the matching hat and the staff. He looked like a queen.

It was the same exact act that I had seen in Dallas, but I wasn't complaining. It was almost just as entertaining the second time around, but that was probably because I was completely infatuated with the man on stage. Then came audience participation time.

"You." He pointed to a random man in the audience, one with three kids and a wife. I raised an eyebrow as I watched the man go on stage. He wasn't as friendly and smiley with this guy as he had been with me. He did the same juggling act as he had done that first time and after about 10 minutes the man returned to his seat.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now