Eye on You (Scomiche)

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Original idea by julyghry

Please send me requests for one shots. The next one coming out will be Scomiche AND Kirstie/Avi AND it's an original!

AND UH OKAY CAN WE TALK ABOUT THEIR RATHER BE COVER?!?! I love when Kirstie gets the lead!!!!

And literally. As I am typing. They just Tweeted "Papaoutai" with Lindsey Sterling I"M SCREAMING bye


“Stop moving!” Kirstie scolded me.

I couldn’t help shifting on my stool inside of our chemistry class. I always felt eyes on me and I could never shake the feeling. It was making me uncomfortable at this point and I wanted to know who it was.

“I can’t!” I gave it back to her and she sighed in my direction.

“He’s going to kick you out and I’m going to get paired with someone I don’t know!” She mentioned our teacher, who hated my guts. He stood at the head of the room with his back towards the class, writing down garbage that I never paid attention to. I was more focused on finding out what was freaking me out so badly.

“Alright, I’ll stop. I just feel like someone’s staring at me.”

“Probably everyone. You’re moving around like there’s something in your pants. You probably look like a drug addict.”

“Oh, GREAT. Thanks Kirstin.”

“I’m just saying!”

“Kirstin Maldonado do you have an issue?” The teacher’s low voice startled us. I gave him a dirty look as he glared at my best friend. I didn’t like when anyone talked down to her.

“No, she doesn’t.” I spoke up.

“I wasn’t asking you.” He said to me very sternly.

“I’m okay, Mr. Davide.” Kirstie said timidly and Mr. Davide shook his head in response.

“One more word out of either of you and you’re getting kicked out.”

It took everything I had not to say another word, but I kept my mouth shut for Kirstie’s sake. I went right back to feeling uncomfortable after Mr. Davide had turned around. I subtly turned my head to look around the classroom, but everyone was either looking at the teacher or at their phones.

Then my eyes landed on a boy, who was looking over at me with thoughtful eyes. He started to look away as I caught him and went back to taking notes, but I kept my eye on him. I caught him staring at me more than once and I bit my lip. He was really cute, but I’d never seen him before. He must have been new.

“Who’s the blonde boy in our class?” I asked Kirstie as we walked to lunch.

“Matt?” She asked.

“No, not Matt. The other one. The cute one.”

“Mitch, I thought you said you didn’t want a boyfriend.”

“I don’t!” I defended. “I just want to know who he is…I think he’s the one staring at me.”

“Scott?” Kirstie laughed. “He’s dating Esther.”

“His name’s Scott?” I ignored the second part.

“Scott Hoying. He moved here like, three months ago. He was my partner in English last semester!” She said. “He’s really shy though…do you really think he’s staring at you?”

“I caught him, Kirst.”

She raised an eyebrow at me. “Interesting…”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now