The L Word (Scomiche)

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My grammar is not perfect in this, so apologies in advance.

Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99

I'm off to marathon Doctor Who for the next 373247389 hours. I'm on season six and I need to finish before BASTARD NETFLIX TAKES IT OFF ON FEBRUARY 1ST.

Anyways...less than two months until I see PTX live and MEET THEM. I'm going pass out in Scott's arms and I plan to warn him very soon. 

I'm taking one one-shot request from whoever wants one from here until February 1st. I'll have them all out by mid-February, then I'm done writing one-shots and I will focus strictly on my full length stories. I write Scomiche/Kavi/PTX so whatever you want done please message me and we'll discuss :)

Please enjoy and vote and comment! 


Dear journal…diary, whatever,


To get you to understand, I have to be as forward as possible. Love is a bad thing; and here, it’s forbidden.

I guess it started about fifty years ago...our country was taken over by a man named Kellan Grant. He was a big man with a very loud voice and a scary laugh. He hated love and anything to do with it; he scowled at any form of it and decided to banish all marriage all over the country.

The years went on and soon it was more than one country…then soon, the entire world. No one was allowed to be married. No families were allowed to show affection.

Humans were made to love; it’s in our entire make and model. We’re lovers, but he took it all away from us.

Fifteen years into his rule he handed out these bracelets that are hooked on your wrist by small needles that are stabbed into your arm. It measures everything about you – your heartbeat, blood pressure, testosterone, estrogen, urine levels…you name it, it knows it.

When you’re in love, you get a spike in dopamine and serotonin. They measure that too, and even if it’s just slightly elevated then you’re in trouble. The bracelet will shock you but not quickly, it’ll take you out for an entire day. Shockwaves will run through your body until your brain knows better. I’ve experienced it, and I tried so hard not to fall in love again, but like I said we are humans. We are lovers.

Reading back on humanity makes me incredibly jealous. We were able to marry each other and have loving families under our own free will. Those stories seem like fairytales.

Normally if I were to write this it’d be confiscated. I’d be labeled an anarchist (again) and this would be put in the library archives as more conspiracy against Grant’s beliefs. I already had my own little section there.

There’s so much to write down…I should have started this sooner to be honest. I need to write everything down, though. I need to have my story in words in physical form incase the worst happens. I want someone to find this little journal one day and know.

I want them to know how I freed love.

The simplest way to start this is to describe how I grew up. Parents are meant to care for their children, which my parents always did but only to the point of survival not affection. I can’t complain, really, because I’ve always had homecooked meals and they helped me with my homework, but if you ask me if they’ve ever hugged me I would have to say no.

They weren’t allowed to be married, either. Rory Grant, Kellan Grant’s grandson, was in charge of pairing people up together to procreate. That’s all couplings were about were having between two and four children, and that was the end of it. They were just meant to live together, raise their children, and live out their lives practically as strangers.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now