Last Kiss (Scomiche)

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For PTX_Pentaholic99

I cried while writing this. I hope it's okay :) 

Literally I cried. You've been warned. Please message me with one-shot ideas <3 anything is welcome. I'm working on Red and Gold's part 2 very soon! 


“Come on, it’s not that farfetched!” I squeezed my boyfriend’s hand and looked to him for an answer.

Mitch rolled his eyes at me and looked out the passenger’s side window as we drove along. I looked back to the road and silence fell over the car. He let go of my hand and brought his own together while he looked out the window. I pulled mine back and rested it on the shift. I hated arguing with him. All I wanted to do was turn the spare room at our apartment into a studio, but he wanted it for storage. That’s all it was about and he was making it seem like it was a huge deal.

I drove along the highway shaking my head. I didn’t know what to say to him to bring him out of this mood. We had such a good night going out to dinner and seeing a movie. I didn’t want that to be ruined.

“You know I love you, right?” I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

I could see him look at me out of the corner of my eye. “I love you, too.” He said, grabbing my hand again and I turned for a moment to look at him. He let go of my hand and touched my face lightly before his eyes went wide.


I turned, but it was too late. The last thing I saw were two white lights coming towards me, and then nothing.


I couldn’t breathe.

I started choking before whatever was in my throat was being pulled out. I gasped for air as it was finally gone and then opened my eyes to see a concerned old man looking down at me. “Welcome back, Scott.” He said.

Welcome back to what?

“Scott…” I turned my head lightly to see Kirstie looking down at me. “Oh, thank God you’re awake!” She said, cupping the side of my face with her hand.

“What happened?” I whispered, but my voice was gone. It only came out as a breath.

She read my lips, though. “You and Mitch were in a car accident. Do you remember?”

Oh my god, MITCH!

“Where’s Mitch?” I mouthed. I tried to sit up but a shooting pain shot through my torso like nothing I’d ever felt before. I yelled out in pain and Kirstie lightly pushed my shoulders back down onto the bed.

“Oh, god…” She said as the doctor came to my side. Her face was pained. “I think you ripped a stitch.”

“A stitch?” I mouthed, but she didn’t see. The doctor lifted my gown to reveal a large wound going across my stomach. It was stitched up, but two of the stitches had opened up and were bleeding now. I groaned and dug my face into Kirstie’s arm.

“Mitch!” I looked up and tried to speak and her eyes went wide.

“He’s doing alright.” She said.

“What does that mean?” My voice was quiet.

She hesitated and then sighed. “He’s hurt. Really hurt. But he’s awake.” She tried to make it sound like it was a good thing, but I knew that meant he was in pain.

“I want to see him…” I said, my voice was weak and cracking.

“Hold still…I need to redo your stitches.” The doctor said and held down my torso.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now