Good Friend (Kirstie/Avi)

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Ahhhh my first Kavi (Kirstie/Avi) fic! I hope you guys like it!

Also, I'm going to be moving until mid September, so I'm not sure how often I'm going to be updating. My home situation is very bad right now so I'll be leaving until my parents decide who's moving out or not. Lots of drama. Booooo. Anyway, I'm going to try and update as much as possible seeing as I'll have my laptop, I'm just not sure if this house has Wifi (sounds like a nightmare, right?). My friend and I are housesitting and the home belongs to two elderly people soooo...I'll keep you guys updated. <3

Please send me requests. And let me just make a note; I tried to write Kevin/Avi, but I just can't feel it lol. Sorry I can't write it. If you want anything else written please send me a request!

Please vote and comment <3 :-*


I finally turned off Netflix after whipping through seven whole episodes of Orange is the New Black. It was 1 a.m., and I haven’t gotten anything done today except throw in a load of laundry this morning. And then I forgot to switch it over, so that cancelled out.

I wasn’t the adventurous type, really, unless my band and I were on tour. I loved exploring with them, but when I was home I never really did that. I was a laid back guy. I’d rather stay in and watch TV and have a good scotch and some good food. I was usually picked on for not taking chances by my friends, and normally it didn’t bother me, but as of late it was starting to get to me.

Kevin wasn’t home, so the whole apartment was quiet. Usually he’d be playing his cello or practicing beats in his room, which was always oddly comforting. The silence was lonely; it was just a reminder that I had nothing else better to do on a Friday night.

Scott always invited me everywhere, and it always made me feel good, but I didn’t always want to go out. Especially if Kirstie wasn’t going, that was always the dealbreaker.

Right now she was with her boyfriend, Jeremy, in New York City on some romantic rendezvous. Jealousy took over me whenever I would think of it and I honestly hated that it did. I wish I could just be happy for her and let her go, but the truth is – I love her.

To clear things up, I’ve never actually been with her. We’ve never even gone out on one date or even flirted. I just fell for her hard. From the very first day I knew her I liked her and it just progressed over the years, but the guys she dated were nothing like me. They were strong, muscular, and well-groomed. I’m not saying I’m the worst, but I wasn’t muscular, strong maybe, and sometimes my beard would get a little out of control. Bottom line is Kirstie is out of my league.

My phone started buzzing from the kitchen counter and I sighed. It was probably Scott asking me to go to the bar with some of our friends. I wasn’t in the mood tonight.

“Hello?” I answered without looking at the caller ID.


“Kirstie?” I was confused.

“Hey…are you guys still coming out to New York next week?”

“…well, of course, we have a show Kirst.”

“Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make sure.”

“Everything alright?”

“Well…I just got into a bad fight with Jeremy…I tried calling Mitch and Scott but neither of them answered.” She sighed sadly.

I wasn’t the last resort at least. I was third on her list, and that made me happy. “What happened?” I tried to sound empathetic.

“I wanted to go to this fancy restaurant to eat and he didn’t, and he was giving me the cold shoulder the rest of the night. And then we went to this little karaoke bar once he calmed down and we ran into someone there.”

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now