Never Have I Ever (PTX) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)

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Just a little story I wrote before I had to go to work...nothing special, but kind of cute nonetheless. I'm starting on the sequel to One Night tonight, so that'll be out either tonight or tomorrow! You guys are awesome, please vote and comment <333


“I’m bored!” Mitch announced after the group had finished their recording session. He spread out on the couch and tilted his head to look over at Kirstie, who was sitting on the couch adjacent from him.

“Let’s play a game!” Kirstie suggested, smiling over at her best friend.

“Oh, I want to play a game!” Scott came back into the main room of their studio, smiling. He took a seat next to Kirstie. “Avi, Kevin, come on, let’s play a game! No wait-“ Scott put his hands up. “We should play a drinking game!” He said, making Kirstie and Mitch smile wide.

“Eh…” Kevin began to protest, making Scott’s face fall.

“I’m down.” Avi said, taking a seat next to Mitch’s sprawled out frame. Kevin sat in the arm chair across from the couches.

“We can play Never Have I Ever!” Mitch offered, sitting up next to Avi.

“Also known as…Scott drinks a 30 rack and Kevin’s still on his first beer?” Scott joked, shooting Mitch a playful look.

“Well!” Mitch motioned towards Kevin.

“I’m down for that!” Kevin said, laughing. “What is it though?”

“Okay so…” Mitch started. “Each person gets a turn to say “Never have I ever…” and then they say something they’ve never done before. Whoever in the room HAS done what they said they never did has to take a sip of beer. I usually play with shots but…”

“Let’s get some beers!” Scott said, jumping up and heading into the kitchen. He returned with five cans and handed them out to his group, cracking open his own before sitting back down next to Kirstie. “Okay, who’s going first?”

“Mitch should since it was his idea.” Avi offered.

Mitch sat up and smirked. “Fine, okay.” He said. “Never have I ever…” He took a moment to think and then smiled. “Never have I ever had sex with a girl…” He smirked around the room at everyone and Kirstie smiled happily.

Scott, Avi, and Kevin all took sips of their beer. Kevin shook his head after he did. “That’s a bad sign if I’m already drinking…” He said, laughing.

“My turn…” Avi started, “alright…never have I ever been to a Christian mass.” He smirked at Kevin and laughed as the rest of his group all took sips of their beers.

“You just had to go there, brotha?” Kevin said, shaking his head and laughing. Avi laughed back evilly. “Okay, okay…never have I ever kissed a boy.”

The trio all took sips of their drinks. Kevin giggled and Scott shook his head.

“Literally…I’m halfway done my beer.” Everyone laughed over at Scott. “Okay never have I ever made out with Kirstie Maldonado.” He shot a look over at Mitch, who rolled his eyes playfully and took a sip of his beer.

“Come on Kirstie!” They cheered on as Kirstie thought long and hard with a smile on her face.

“Never have I ever…” She bit her lip. “Oh wait I’ve totally done that.” They all laughed. “Never have I ever gotten into a car accident!”

The other four all took sips of their drinks. She giggled, “Yes!”

Mitch was next. He smirked over at Kirstie and Scott. “Never have I ever stolen a car.”

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now