Love Lockdown (Scomiche)

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Original idea by julygrhy! :)

Thank you for the awesome idea <333 I hope you like it!

I updated What Happens in Vegas!!! The first official chapter is now up! :D

If any of you have Tumblr, I just created a new one because some people from home *hiss* found my other personal one. Here's my URL. Feel free to follow me and I'll follow back :) -

Also, I'm having some writer's block with Love Is Dangerous. So if you guys have any ideas, please message me. I'll update that as soon as I get over this writer's block!!

Enjoy! Please vote and comment!


I hate him.

Well, that’s a lie, I guess. Because I love him…but the bastard can’t know that.

I grinded my teeth as I watched him flirt with Sean Wilde, one of the most popular kids in school. Scott was a huge flirt and that made me even angrier. Why couldn’t he flirt with me? Oh yeah, wait, maybe it was because everyone was scared of me because I had an attitude.

I licked my lips as he talked to Sean down the hall. Sean looked around nervously to make sure none of his friends were around. He was a classic closet case – dating girls to maintain an image and then falling for the blue-eyed Adonis in secret.

The bell rang and I went to class, thinking about Scott and how gorgeous he was. I looked around the room and glared individually at the boys I knew Scott had been with at one point or another. They were all pretty and fit, but so was I. I didn’t understand how he and I never crossed paths.


Everyone looked up to see our teacher shoot up from the desk and his coffee mug broken all over the floor. “Dammit.” He swore under his breath. “Can someone please go down to the janitor’s office and get him to come up?”

I stood up immediately and he wrote me a pass. I headed out of the classroom with my backpack and headed into the creepy basement. I walked to the janitor’s office and poked my head in to tell him to head to my teacher’s room. Once he was going, I decided to take a stroll around the basement so I didn’t have to go back to class. It was creepy. None of these classrooms had been used since the 70’s. All that was down here now was the janitor’s closet.

I slowed down once I heard a noise. I couldn’t figure it out at first, but then I recognized the sound and I rolled my eyes. There were people making out down here. Nasty.

I kept walking anyway and the sound of lips smacking together was getting closer and closer. I finally reached the noise and saw Scott and Sean inside of one of the abandoned classrooms attached at the mouth. I felt a twinge of jealousy towards Sean, who was under Scott as the taller boy was hovered over him.

I turned to walk away and accidentally kicked a piece of metal on the floor. I hissed through my teeth and shut my eyes. When I looked over, Scott and Sean had broken apart and Scott was staring at me.

“Sorry!” I said and started walking away. I felt my face turn beet red as I kept moving down the hallway.

“Hold on, Grassi!” Sean came running up behind me. “You can’t tell anyone!” He said, putting his hands together. He was begging.

Scott stepped out of the room too. He just stood there and stared over at us. “Yeah, fine…” I said, looking back at Sean’s worried face.

He sighed in relief and then thanked me before running off past Scott. I turned and started walking again before I felt someone walking behind me. Scott appeared at my side and I felt my stomach jump into my throat.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now