Neighbors (Scomiche)

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Original idea by Lolaaa_xo

Had a terrible stomach bug the past couple of days. Figures it happens right when PTX Vol III comes out. But NOW it's on repeat and it's PERFECT!!! I'm dying over how perfect they are (aren't I always?) I NEED them to come on tour now please ;___;

This is the shortest one-shot I've ever written. I apologize. I'll be back on my game soon.


“You’re so annoying I can’t even stand it.” I said over to my sister. I don’t know what she thought she was doing, but it was disgusting. “No one wants to see that.”

Amanda rolled her eyes at me and flipped her long black hair over her shoulder. “Shut up, Mitchell. I have a nice body. A little skin isn’t going to hurt anyone.”

I groaned in disgust as I turned back to my little project. I’d broken my MP3 player and was trying desperately to fix it with some of my Dad’s tools. It was probably hopeless but I was desperate to have my music back. Amanda was disgusting me though. She had on a little bikini top and short shorts while she washed her car. She looked trashy as hell.

I heard horns honk as they drove by the house and then I heard Amanda saying “Hi!” and squealing.

I ignored her as I tried desperately to figure out what was wrong with my iPod. “Oh, cute neighbor boy is outside.” I kept ignoring her. “Mitch, look. Tell me what you think.”

I put down my tools with force and turned to look across the street. I’d seen him around before. He was tall and kind of geeky, but he was cute enough. “Leave him alone. You’ll scar him.” I told her and she clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth in annoyance.

The boy took off his shirt and threw it into the grass as he got ready to clean his own car. Now I was looking. His body was taught and aesthetically pleasing. “Hi!” Amanda yelled across the street and the boy waved shyly over to her before turning away to turn on the hose. I started to make my way outside to sit on the front steps of my house. Amanda was trying desperately to get his attention and it was becoming comical. He just kept on what he was doing, only gazing over when she started yelling obnoxiously.

He started the hose and began washing down his car. I was definitely crushing on whatever his name was now. I’d lived across from him his whole life and never gave him a real look until now. He was gorgeous.

Amanda kept putting on a show. I could see her moving spastically out of the corner of my eye, but the boy seemed more than uninterested. When he did look over, it almost looked like he started laughing to himself but turned away before Amanda could notice. I bit my lip and started laughing.

“What’s your name?” Amanda yelled over and he looked uncomfortable.


“Hi, Scott! I’m Amanda!” She said, walking to the edge of the driveway. He just waved and I started laughing harder. “Shut up, Mitchell!” She snarled at me.

Scott looked over to me and smiled lightly at me and then back to Amanda. Then he turned and went back into his garage.

“Look, you scared him away. Great job.” I stood up and looked at my sister. She made a face at me and started to get angry.

“I did NOT! He loved it! All boys love me.”

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, Scott came back outside and started walking across the street.”

“See? Boys love me. You can learn from me.” She gave me a snotty look and I felt my heart sink as Scott made his way over. He was too good for her.

He walked right past her and right up to me. “I wanted you to have this.” He handed me a piece of paper and when I opened it up, his number was written on the inside. I looked up at him with big eyes and he winked at me before walking away.

The smile on my face grew wider and wider as I saw how angry my sister was getting. Scott looked back at me and winked before he went back to washing his car. “Are you KIDDING ME?!?” Amanda yelled at me and threw down her sponge before storming into the house.

I looked across the street at the beautiful boy and he smiled back over to me once Amanda had gone inside. He stopped and waited for me to walk over, so I ran across the street and introduced myself to him. Scott and I became close and soon started to date. My sister was always bitter about it, but I didn’t care. Soon we fell in love and we moved away from everyone to live out our lives.

One thing I did regret was that I didn’t pay enough attention to Scott in the first place. He’d been living there the entire time and I didn’t even think to give him a second look. Sometimes love really is right in front of your face; best to open your eyes and look around once in a while. 

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now