Saturday Detention (PTX) (some Kavi) (some Scomiche)

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AYYYYY so yes before anyone says anything this one-shot is based on the movie The Breakfast Club. If you don't know what that is then you're living under a I'm kidding but really it's such an incredible, iconic movie from 1985 and it's on Netflix so if you haven't seen it I HIGHLY suggest you watch it! 

If you haven't noticed I've put an update schedule up on my profile. Once a week I'll update every story I'm working on. The "?"s won't be up for a bit until I start on them so until then I'll randomly update with one-shots on those specific days. If you would like something written, please message me and I will credit you! <3

Here is my current update schedule:

Sundays ?

Mondays ?

Tuesdays This House is Not a Home

Wednesdays Red and Gold

Thursdays ?

Fridays One-Shots

Saturdays ? 

You guys are the best. I hope everyone's doing well. Please vote and comment as always :3 <3


The library had a void air about it that cool Saturday morning. There were only the sounds of the janitors doing their chores outside of the massive room and it echoed off the walls for no one to hear.

The first boy who walked in felt uneasy about walking into such a huge room with no one else to take guidance from. He took a seat in the first row of tables and set his large cello case down next to him. He was more than upset for having to be there because he would never get another chance like the one he just had to pass up. The orchestra that wanted him wouldn’t be back around for another year and by then he’d be in college. He desperately wanted others to show up because he was sweet and wanted to make some new friends, if possible.

The next boy that came in already had his guard up. He was shy, though he was a kind soul with a big heart. He nodded at the boy with the cello and sat at the back of the room after dropping his backpack on the floor with a ‘thud’. He knew he’d seen the other guy before but only in passing. He had no idea what he was about.

A girl walked in and studied her peers as she made her way behind the boy with cello. “No principal yet?” She asked him.

“Nope, haven’t seen him.” He said.

“That figures. He’s probably out getting his morning coffee and we’re stuck in this cold library…”

The boy laughed. “I know right? I doubt he’ll be bringing us donuts either.” The boy turned around when the girl laughed. “I’m Kevin.”

“Kirstie.” She shook his hand and raised an eyebrow when the next boy walked in. “I’ve never seen him before.”

Kevin gave her a look. “He’s always been at our school.”

“Oh…” Kirstie said dumbly and looked at the blonde boy who sat at the table over from Kevin. He didn’t look at anyone else in the room, he just took out his phone and started to text.

The last boy walked in and made both Kevin and Kirstie look over at him. “Oh, no…” Kirstie said under her breath before the boy walked by her and sat a couple of tables away. “Here we go…” She warned Kevin, who looked over his shoulder at her with a concerned look.

“He’s not here yet?” The boy asked and Kirstie turned around to shake her head. “Ugh, typical.” He stuck his long legs up on the table and took out his iPod.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now