The Fire Within, Pt. 2 (Scomiche)

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Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99

Sorry this is so late sweetie! Here it is! I hope you like it!

I've had no motivation to write lately, but hopefully that passes. Then Microsoft Word decided to stop working on my laptop -_-


Two more days.

I never in a million years thought turning 21 would be absolutely horrifying. Two months ago I was planning on going out with my dear friends and getting wasted, but now things had changed for the worst. I couldn’t even make eye contact with people now, and it was getting lonely. Liam insisted I stay inside until I could gain complete control. The last thing any of us wanted was any casualties.

Liam lived with us now in the guest room. He and Mitch spent most of their time discussing what they should do with me and they ended up arguing a lot of the time. I was feeling desperate as of late, especially since everything that happened with Liam. I ached to talk to my friends again, but I knew if I did they would come here and find out I’m a freak.

I wished every night that I could wake up and have this all disappear.

I walked out of the bedroom and shut the door behind me. The apartment was quiet for the moment, but I knew that wouldn’t last as soon as they realized I was out of my cave.

“Hi, honey.” Mitch said cautiously as he approached me.

I hated that he acted so scared around me. I know he couldn’t help it – I know he was mentally scarred from what happened last time. “Hi Mitchie.”

He looked at me differently too, but it wasn’t all bad. He was scared, but there was something in his eyes that was so curious and interested.

“I miss you.” I whispered as he got closer, but he kept his eyes down.

“I don’t want us to be apart like this.” He said back.

I nodded in agreement and took his hand in mine. I wish somehow he could understand the amount of loss of control I was feeling, but I couldn’t transmit. I couldn’t even imagine what was going through his mind right now as he held my hand and stared up at me with those terrified eyes.

Liam came in just then with some coffee for all three of us and set it on the counter. He and I still didn’t know how to feel about one another. Sometimes he would come in and we would be friendly, and then others he looked at me like I was an abomination that should be destroyed.

The last time Liam and I saw each other before now was back in high school in our junior year. Liam was very popular because his father was a scientist and had a lot of money. He always had the nicest things and wore the best clothes. He was smart too; he was in all high honors courses and got accepted to every college of his choosing. Then that year something happened and I didn’t mean for it to. It was elementary school all over again. I caused him to overheat, but this time it was only with my eyes, not my hands. It was the first time my eyes had ever glowed.

He dropped to his knees and just studied me instead of begging for me to stop. I was so confused because I had no idea what was going on at the time, but down the road once my anger started getting worse I saw what he was looking at so carefully.

“How are you feeling? Do you feel angry?” Liam asked dryly. He was scarred from our last fight and he wasn’t taking it lightly.

“I feel fine.” I said. “Actually, I feel better now than I did in the past.”

He nodded at me and his eyes trailed down to Mitch and I’s intertwined hands. “Be careful.” He said quietly towards us, at neither in particular.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now