Animal I Have Become (Scomiche)

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Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99

I hope you like it <3 :)

Please send me requests for one-shots! Thanks babiessss. You guys are the best <3 Please vote and comment! <333


Last day of middle school.

“FAGGOT!” Emil threw a milk carton at Scott’s head and it hit the ground with a thump. Scott kept his head down, hiding the tears that were forming in his blue eyes. He hugged himself with his lanky arms and tried to keep himself under control as Emil made his way over. “Did you hear me, faggot?” He said as he got his face close to Scott’s.

“Fuck. Off.” I spat at him. He looked up at me and started laughing. I was tinier than most of the guys in my grade, but I had a mouth and that’s what got me by.

Emil pat Scott on the back and started walking away, looking between Scott and I amused. I went around the lunch table and put my arm around Scott’s shoulders. He looked over at me through teary eyes and smiled weakly. Kirstie sat across from us and reached out her hands so Scott would take them. He did and sniffled. “Thanks.” He said quietly, to neither of us in particular, but we understood.


First day of high school.

Now he was barely recognizable. A black hood was pulled over his head and he didn’t look at anyone in the eye. He kept his gaze down at his notebook while the teacher talked on and on about the syllabus. I couldn’t help but stare over at him. He’d gotten more toned over the summer and looked more emasculated, but I did wonder if it was done on purpose. All those years of having kids scream homophobic slurs in his face had to have been getting to him. My sweetheart best friend was gone. The darkness had taken over.

After class I switched my books out inside of my locker for my next class. I kind of hoped Scott would be in there. Then I could sit next to him and talk to him. I saw him enter the hallway, and I kept my gaze on him so he would talk to me, but instead Carson, the quarterback for our school’s football team, stepped in front of him to stop him.

“Oh no.” I said under my breath.

“Hey big boy.” Carson said, making his friends and girlfriend laugh.

Scott only stared back at him before shoving him into the lockers. I jumped and gasped loudly as Carson lunged forward and hit Scott in the face. Scott was knocked back only for a moment before coming back and punching Carson hard in the jaw, making his mouth start bleeding all over his clothes. He fell to the floor and Scott climbed on top of him, letting his fist hit his face over and over again.

I could only watch in horror until Mr. Provoyeur, our science teacher from first period, pulled Scott off of Carson. “THAT’S ENOUGH!” He yelled and made Scott back up so he could check on the wounded jock.

Scott spit right down where Carson lay and turned to start walking away. “Don’t think you’re going anywhere!” Mr. Provoyeur yelled. Scott only lifted his middle finger in the air as he exited the building through slamming doors.

Where had my best friend gone?


Scott showed up for fourth period, which I was shocked about. It was history too, which was his least favorite subject in school. I watched as he walked into the room with a bruised cheek and looked around the room. His eyes met mine and I waved lightly over to him. I saw him smile for the first time all day.

“Hey Mitch.” He said as he sat next to me.

I couldn’t help myself, I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him. “I missed you.” I said into his ear before sitting back in my seat.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now