Fairytales (Scomiche)

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For Lolaaa_xo

Thank you for the idea! Hope you like this! :D

This week has been insane...I'm going to update with another one-shot tonight and also I'm going to add another chapter to What Happens in Vegas soon! If you don't know what that is, it's a new story I'm writing that revolves around Avi and the boys of PTX! The prologue is up now!

I'll update Love Is Dangerous very soon as well! I love you guys <3 thank you for all the love! Vote and comment as always :D 


It’s hard to keep up motivation when the one person you love is no longer around. Sure, Scott was in college doing better things now, but sometimes I feel like he forgets that I exist. He used to call me all the time when the school year first began and then they got fewer and fewer until they finally stopped.

Every day after school I’d come home and put a big red ‘X’ over the day that was coming to an end. It felt like it was taking forever to get to the end of the school year. I had pictures of me and my friends all over my room, but most of them were of Scott and I. No, he wasn’t my boyfriend, he was my best friend, and I was hopelessly in love with him.

The outside of my notebooks were covered in hearts and initials, but the inside was a whole different story. I’d write his name over and over again with hearts all over. I’d write our initials together and I’d even sometimes write my name with his last name…I could dream right?

Scott and I spent all of our time together when he was home. I’d spend our nights together sneaking looks at him when he wasn’t paying attention. I loved the way he looked in the summer the most – little freckles would start coming out around his nose and I’d dream about counting them and kissing them. 

His eyes were the best part though. His body and face were incredible but his eyes always did inhuman things to me. Just looking at them could completely turn my entire day around, especially if he looked happy. They always seemed more bright blue when he was.

When I wrote in my private journal, I called him my prince. Sometimes even my knight in shining armor, but prince seemed for fitting for him. I was embarrased thinking that he could someday find out what I was doing, but I couldn't help it!

The day he left was hard…so many people were around him the whole day trying to get their goodbyes in and all I got was a squeeze and a, “Bye Mitch.”

He broke my heart without even knowing it.

My friends knew about it but they never asked me things because they knew I would snap at them, especially now that he moved. Soon school would be done though and he would be home for the summer. June 21st was circled on my calendar and today was the 18th…only three more days and I’d be out of this jail for three whole months and then Scott would be mine again.


As I walked out of school that blessed 21st day of June, I couldn’t stop thinking about everything that could possibly happen that summer. Scott was sure to have plenty of bonfires at his parents’ house and that was the most exciting for me. Him and I would sneak off together and go for walks in the woods behind his parents’ house to look for sticks and twigs for the fire. We’d have our talks and usually end up crying because we were laughing so hard. If we heard a noise I’d cling onto him in “fear”, even though it didn’t really scare me. There were always little animals running around back there, but I got to wrap my arms around his warm body and he’d always giggle and hug me. It never felt awkward either, which was nice, but he was out of my league. He dated a football player named Ryan for a long time and I hated the guy, but not for any good reason. Him and Scott were okay together, but jealousy was an ugly thing. When they broke up before last summer I felt bad for Scott but I couldn’t help but take one night to squeal and jump around my room in relief.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now