Numb (Scomiche)

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Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99, my idea machine <3 haha.

PTX_Pentaholic99 will be releasing a PTX fanfic coming out in a couple of months and she wants to know; Scomiche, Mirstie, or Scirstie. She needs your vote! Please follow and message her with your thoughts. She's one of my favorite people on this site so please visit her and check out her work! :-*

I'm working on the full fic of Red and Gold so that will be coming out soon! I'll be reposting the original one-shots I did for julyghry and Scomichemylife a few months back as the first two chapters to get people reading it, then I'll update with new chapters soon enough. 

My story This House is Not a Home is my main focus at the moment. It's a creepy story that focuses around Scomiche but also Troyler! Please check it out if you haven't yet! :) 

Please message me with requests. I know I take forever to write them but I promise I'll try to make them worthwhile! <3 I'll start working on stories after this weekend because Monday is my birthday and I'm not going to really be able to get near the computer for the next few days :o

Vote and comments please :3 I love you guys somaj <3



Is this really what we build our lives up to? We’re stuck in a small cubicle with our computers and our lonely thoughts. We stare at a screen until someone tells us we can leave and return to our homes. Then we repeat this the next day. It was numbing; day in and day out of making small talk with people I don’t like in a large, plain office building with uniform office space. It was a wonder some of still kept our souls after enduring “sameness” day in and day out. Like Beyonce said, “Work nine to five just to stay alive.”

The worst part about all of this was the loneliness. I know, you’re probably thinking, “how pathetic”, but this is my story and it’s mine to tell.

My walks through the park after work were the most fulfilling parts of my day. It fascinated me watching people in their natural habitats. Parents took their kids to the park, but paid no attention to them for the most part. They were too focused on their phones while their kids played rudely with one another. It was disgusting thinking one of them could have been taken at any moment, and their mother would have been too busy looking at Facebook or posting a picture on Instagram. College students took walks through the park with their coffees in their big college emblem sweatshirts.

My favorite person was the little old woman who always seemed to be sitting on a bench near the water fountain, day in and day out. Every morning when I walked by and then when I was leaving; she sat there and she stared into that fountain with a smile on her face, watching the pigeons flock and eat the scraps that passerby’s dropped. She always looked so happy even though she was doing nothing at all. She just sat there and stared into the fountain as if it were the most fascinating thing on Earth. She was happier than I was, that was for sure.


My hot coffee slammed to the ground and the cap came off, spilling the hot dark liquid all over my shoes and pants. “I’m so sorry!” The stranger apologized, but I was too busy staring down at my stained clothes. “I wasn’t looking. I’m so sorry. Can I buy you another one?” The stranger touched my arm and I just shook him off.

“Forget about it.” I picked up the empty cup and walked over to the trash can to discard the sticky hot cardboard into the container.

“Really, I can buy you another one.” I heard him say from beside me. I started to wipe off my shoes with the one napkin I’d grabbed from the coffee shop, but soon I had plenty more to help me clean up. The man handed me a handful of the same napkins. “Here, it’s the least I can do.” I took them and started clean myself up without looking at him. I just wanted to be on my way so I could get home and change.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now