Sick (Trio)

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Just a very short, fluffy cute fic requested by cooljules

I'll update one shots when I can. I'm getting busier at work because of the holidays so I won't have a lot of time. My other stories I'll keep up to par on. I'll release another one-shot next week. I'm currently coming up with other full length stories to start writing after the holidays <3___<3

If you guys have any requests for any full length stories, I'm always down to listen to ideas! I mainly write Scomiche and Kavi (you guys know that) so I'd like to just stick to those pairings if anything. Message me dollies <3 :)


I honestly couldn’t have woken up a worse way that morning. I groaned as I felt the headache in my forehead throbbing. It made it nearly impossible to even open my eyes. I pulled the blanket over my head to block out the noises of my bandmates getting out of their bunks.

Scott started belting and I scrunched my eyes together tighter out of pain. He left the area though, thankfully, so it was fairly quiet again. Avi and Kevin were talking in their bunks, which were quite aways from each other so they weren’t exactly being quiet either. They finally got up and went into the living area after some time and I took a sigh of relief when silence took over.

“Kirstie?” Mitch’s sweet voice wasn’t sounding so sweet right about now. I clenched my eyes again.

“Mmmm?” I hummed without moving. He pulled open my curtain just slightly.

“Are you getting up?”

“No.” I said. “I’m sick.”

“Aw…” He lowered his voice before he climbed into my bunk behind me and shut the curtain. “Headache?” He whispered.

“Yeah.” I said and he wrapped his arms around my belly. The warm contact felt amazing against my tired, sick body. He only held it there a moment though before Scott start calling his name. “Ugh.” He scoffed. “I’ll be back with medicine.” He crawled out and I frowned sadly as I tried to get warm again under the blankets. I hated feeling like this, and even worse was I knew my friends would be worried about me.

Mitch returned a minute later with a glass of water and some Tylenol. I sat up and squinted at the light coming in through the bunk. I shut my eyes as I took my medicine. “Oh no, she’s sick?” Esther’s motherly voice entered the room and her warm hands started touching my forehead and cheeks. “Eh, sorry love you definitely have a fever. Just take it easy…” I nodded and pinched the bridge of my nose with my fingers as she left the room.

“I feel like crap.” I said to Mitch and he sighed.

“Esther’s here…she’ll take care of you.” He said.

“No…” Esther corrected. “Kevin has an interview then Avi and I are going to visit our parents…I won’t be here kiddo, sorry.”

“That’s okay. I’ll just sleep.” I said.

“Guess Scott and I are taking care of you.” Mitch rubbed my arm and Esther laughed.

“Oh boy.” She joked and Mitch made a sound as if he were insulted.

“Shush!” He said and they both laughed but I couldn’t join in. I desperately had to get rid of this pain once and for all.

Esther said her goodbyes and I laid back in my bunk, falling asleep almost immediately. I woke up a few hours later and felt lightyears better, except now my cold was full blown. I couldn’t breathe through my nose and my eyes were watery. I climbed out of the bunk and went into the living area where Scott and Mitch were watching a movie.

Mitch moved away from Scott and pat the spot between them with his hand. “Feeling better?”

“Yes and no.” I said before Scott wrapped me in a blanket. I rested my head against his arm and Mitch rested his on mine. After sniffling for what felt like a year, Scott started laughing.

“Hold on a second.” He got up and both Mitch and I sat up as we waited. He sifted through the medicine cabinet. “Uh…which one should you take?” He pulled out various cold medicines and I rolled my eyes before I got up and started reading the packages.

He got me some water and Mitch offered to make me some tea. I loved these boys so much taking care of me like this. Even though they didn’t 100% know what they were doing the gestures were adorable and all for me. That warmed my heart to no end.

I sat back down after taking my medicine and Scott covered me up with the blanket again, but just enough so he could link his arms around me and hold me close. He was the cuddliest human on the entire planet. Mitch handed me my tea after some time and I started to drink. “You guys are the friggin best.”

They waved it off and I sipped my tea as my two best friends cuddled with me despite how disgustingly sick I was. After a while, my medicine kicked in and I finished my warm tea. I leaned over and put it on the table and that’s when I realized both of them had fallen asleep on either side of me. I hummed happily and spread out the blanket so it was covering all of us, and I fell happily asleep in between the two people that mattered to me the most; my comfort and my protection.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now