Someday (Scomiche)

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Original Idea by PTX_Pentaholic99

Here's a sad one for you. Don't say I didn't warn you ;___; 

ALSO sorry for all the late updates. Things are rough at home right now and it turned into a very dramatic weekend. I'm getting back into writing now so new things will be coming out slowly! 

Please vote and comment <3



“I’m fine, I mean it.” Scott said to me as he sat on the doctor’s examination table. We were waiting for almost two hours in that room, seeing as everyone was coming in with the same virus to get checked out, but of course my stubborn boyfriend couldn’t accept that he might have it. Normally I’d just roll my eyes and let him learn his lesson on his own, but this virus could be fatal if it wasn’t treated correctly.

Finally the doctor came into the room and shut the door behind him. “I’m sorry for the wait, but this outbreak is one of the worst I’ve seen since the Swine Flu. People are panicking left and right. Some people in here aren’t even sick but they’re scared that they might end up with it. Anyways…what seems to be the problem…” He looked at his clipboard. “Mr. Hoying?”

“I’m fine.” Scott said.

I rolled my eyes and then looked at the doctor. “He’s been coughing a lot…and I’m pretty sure he has a fever. He was tossing and turning all night because he didn’t feel well.”

“I don’t have the virus! I think I’d be sicker than this if I did.”

I ignored him. “I just want to make sure he’s okay. It could be the beginning signs or something…”

The doctor nodded and stepped towards the drawers where his supplies were. He took out a thermometer and stuck it into Scott’s mouth. “Well, your temperature is only 99.2. Usually if this were the beginning signs of the virus it’d be at least 102. I think you may just have a cold, Mr. Hoying. I can prescribe some antibiotics that can help with the cough and congestion. You should be okay in a few days.”

“What if he starts getting worse?” I butted in.

“If your fever rises then just take some Tylenol. I really don’t think you caught the virus. Lucky you!” He laughed and Scott smiled and then turned to me.

“I told you!” He said and winked.

It didn’t sit with me right, though, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t argue with the doctor to put him on the scary steroids everyone had to take to get rid of the virus, I just had to live with their answer.


“You’re going to the emergency room! NOW!” I yelled at Scott as he stumbled back into our bedroom. My heart was racing nervously in my chest as he sat back down on the bed, his skin red and on fire. “This is not a cold, Scott! You need to get help!”

“It’s a cold.”

“You’re throwing up! You have a fever!” I sat down next to him and put my hand on his sweaty back. “This is NOT a cold.”

“I’ll be okay in the morning. I just need to go back to sleep.” He said. “It’s nothing. I was fine all day, this is probably just some stupid side effect to the antibiotics.” He put his hand on my face. “I’ll be okay, honey. Can we just go back to sleep?”

I was too exhausted to argue with him anymore, so I just sighed and nodded. “Of course…”


PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now