The Wave (Scomiche)

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Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99

Hi y'all. So starting February 1st, I won't be accepting any more requests. I'm going to focus more on my full-length stories in the new year. I'll only update this when I come up with an original idea and the updates will be random. 

On that note, please check my profile for an update schedule. :) Please vote and comment as always. <3

I'm posting another original one-shot later tonight!


I had a hard time keeping it together that foggy Monday morning. Everyone was giving me side glances in class as I entered and took my seat in the middle of the room. I knew it would be awkward this morning, and I spent the whole time panicking over it. Losing my grandfather had been the most heartbreaking thing to ever happen to me – it happened suddenly, too, which made everything even worse. I had only seen him the day before and next thing I knew he was gone.

Class seemed to creep by as slowly as it possibly could. More than anything, I just wanted to get out of here and get to the beach so I could clear my head. The ocean made me think of my grandfather and right now I needed to be near the water more than anything.

The reason we lived in Hawaii was because of my grandfather’s surfing career. Granted, I had taken up the hobby when I was younger, but I stopped when I was older because I wanted to try other hobbies. My Mom always swore we would move away, but her and her father were too close. Now she was saying that we were going to move back to Texas and it killed me. I didn’t remember living there when I was just a toddler; this was my home.

I felt tears threatening to spill out of my eyes as I stood there and looked off into the water. I could try and surf again, and then maybe I’d have enough reason to make my Mom stay here for a while.

As I was leaving the beach I swear my grandfather read my mind from above. A flyer hung on a phone pole advertising surfing lessons during the week. I untacked the flyer from the wood and stared down at it before looking up to the sky and smiling.


I drove to the beach that Wednesday after school with all the gear I needed – or at least, I thought. I wished silently that Gramps was here with me to help me get my head on straight. I stood out of the car and looked towards the beach. There were tourists littering it just like I had expected.

I took my board and headed out towards the water, feeling a little confused as to what I was supposed to be looking for.

“Hi, are you here for lessons?” I turned to see a girl in a wetsuit approaching me.

“Yeah, are you the teacher?” I asked her and she giggled.

“Nah, I’m here for lessons too. I just moved here.” She stuck out her hand. “I’m Kirstie.”

“Mitch.” I introduced myself and then she started to lead me to another part of the beach. “Where are you from?”

“New York City.” She said. “My father just got stationed here so we had to move…figured I’d try and fit in so here I am.” She smiled sweetly at me.

“Welcome.” I told her. “I grew up here…still don’t know how to surf.” We laughed and started towards a group of equally confused people with their surfboards.

“The instructor’s not here yet. He said he’d be a little late.” A guy told one of his friends from within the group. I sighed deeply and turned to Kirstie.

“I hope he’s nice.” I said.

Just then, a tall blonde boy walked onto the beach from the parking lot with a surfboard in hand. His wet suit was pulled halfway down so I could see his taught, muscular torso. I felt my jaw drop a bit as he walked over.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now