Auditions for My Heart (Scomiche)(some Kevin/Avi)

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Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99

It has been a crazy week, let me tell you. I"m working on the last two chapters for Love is Dangerous and then I'll be focusing on This House Is Not A Home! As always please comment and vote.

PLEASE send me requests! (Scomiche or Kirstie/Avi or group stories)

Love you guys somaj <3


“Dude, you did not.” Kevin started as I walked into the building. I was immediately not in the mood to hear it from my friends.

“Shut up, Kev.” I said as I walked past him into the hallway at school. I kept my head down as we made our way to our lockers even though no one was really looking at me. I didn’t want to run into Jason at any cost, not after the mistake I made this past weekend.

“What were you thinking?” Avi was to the right of me and Kevin was too the left. I was in no mood for their scolding.

“Shut up, Avi.”

“What’re you going to say to him when he shows up, huh?” Kevin said. “Let me see… ‘oh I know you’ve been obsessed with me since freshman year but I was just really drunk and made a huge mistake. Sorry. Bye’.”

“Yeah, something like that.” I snapped back at him.

He shook his head at me as we reached my locker. Avi leaned up against them and Kevin stood on the other side of me. “Really though, man, he’s going to be hurt.”

I dug around for my books and shook my head. “He knows I think he’s annoying. I told him that.”

“Yeah, then you messed around with him. Those are mixed signals, Scotty.”

“I mean yeah, but I was drunk!”

“That’s no excuse.” Kevin said. “You need to talk to him.”

I sighed in defeat. He was right. I hated it when he was right, which was most of the time.


That awful moment I’d been dreading all day finally came. I had to meet up with Jason after school because he ended up spotting me at lunch, but I couldn’t talk with all of my friends there. What’s even worse was that he probably thought we were meeting up now for a good reason, not for me to tell him to get lost.

Jason wasn’t a bad guy, no way, but he was a bit on the creepy side. He’s always had a crush on me and when I came out of the closet about eight months ago I swear he actually started jumping for joy. He was okay looking. His eyes were a pretty light brown and he had attractive features, but he wasn’t for me. He was obsessed with the ground I walked on but to the point where it was annoying and not flattering at all.

“Hi, Scott!” I could tell he was trying to be seductive with his tone. “I missed you.”

I stopped at that point and stared at him. I was actually worried about telling him I wasn’t interested. What if a psycho side of him came out?

“Hi, Jay…so listen…” I put my hand on the back of my head nervously.

“I’d love to go on a date with you!”

Are you kidding me? “Wait, no, look…Jay you’re nice and everything but the other night…”

“Wasn’t it great?” He pushed. He knew what I was trying to do, I could tell by his nervous body language. “That’s the best I’ve-“

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now