Everlasting Love (Scomiche)

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Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99

Thank you so much for all your ideas babe. You're the best. Love you <3

Everyone pleeeeeease send me requests :D I know mostly everyone is going back to school so good luck to you all!! 

Please vote and comment :-** I love you all somajjjj!


"You can't leave me!" Kirstie drunkenly held onto my arm as I tried to get up from the barstool. "Mitchie, don't leave me alone at the bar! What if someone hits on me?!"

"Literally Avi, Kevin and Scott are all right there if you need them. I just need some air right now..."

Social anxiety was the worst thing. I could be okay if i was with the right people, but as soon as the boys walked away I started getting anxious seeing as I was stuck with a very drunken Kirstie. I was afraid of anyone new trying to talk to me. At this point I really just wanted to go home, but I didn't want my boyfriend to be mad at me. Scott hated when I was like this, and while he tried to be patient, he didn't completely understand how I was feeling. He'd probably just be mad that I even went outside. I sighed at the thought as I walked outside the bar and stood against the wall. 

We were in the middle of nowhere somewhere in historic Virginia after playing a show in one of it's main cities.  Tour was always amazing, but lately it had been draining for Scott and I. Things weren't right lately and I hated that it was like that, but my anxiety was through the roof as of late.

I sighed in the cold fall air and watched my breath dissipate into the air in front of me. I felt myself coming down from my anxious episode and started thinking about how I wanted to go back to the tour bus and get some sleep. As the thought crossed my mind, my phone started ringing in my pocket and I answered it to find Scott on the other line.

"Where'd you go?" I heard my friends laughing in the background as he asked me. He was slightly buzzed. I could just tell by how he slurred when he talked. 

"I needed some air." I said with a sigh. It was time to go back inside. 

"Why? You okay?" He said forcefully. He knew damn well why I was out here.

"I'm fine!" I snapped. "I just needed air. GOD."

He scoffed. "Seriously you need to get over it, Mitch. Every time we go out this happens!"

"At least I'm actually going with you! Before I was too scared to even attempt to go out with you guys. I'm trying, Scott. Give me some credit!" 

"I know you've gotten better but seriously, how long is this going to last?"

"You're ridiculous. You don't get it!"

"No, apparently I don't! I can actually hang with our friends without fucking leaving!"

I felt my eyes well up with tears and I looked down at the concrete as his words went through me. What could I do? I couldn't help how I felt and they understood that more than my own boyfriend did.


"Fuck you, Scott." I said. "I'm going back to the bus. You have fun staying with your friends." I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket before storming off down the street with tears in my eyes.

Why couldn't he at least try and understand where I was coming from? People used to pick on me all the time and so I had a hard time trusting generally everyone. I couldn't help it. It was just something installed in my brain that I couldn't unlearn.

I took in a sharp breath when I realized I was heading down a dark alley towards the lot that our tour bus was parked in. I started walking faster, reassuring myself that there was nothing in that small town that could hurt me. I continued to walk fast anyway to avoid any danger.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now