The Fire Within (Scomiche)

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For PTX_Pentaholic99

Okay, I'm DEFINITELY doing a part two to this. 

Please vote and comment <3 I'll be updating Love is Dangerous and What Happens in Vegas soon! 


“Just look at me, would you?” I grabbed Scott’s chin lightly to make him look at me, but as usual, he kept his eyes clamped shut and he kept turning his head away from me.

“Stop it, Mitch. It hurts!” He said, swatting my hand away. He turned his body completely away from me and headed towards our bedroom. He stopped in the doorway and balanced with one hand against the doorframe. “Listen; let me lay down for a while. You know that’s what helps.” He said, only turning slightly towards me but not enough for me to see his eyes.

He shut the door behind him and I sighed in defeat. Whenever Scott got angry his eyes turned a very light blue, almost as if they were glowing. He told me it was genetic disorder he was born with and his eyes became sensitive to the light, so he’d have to go lay in the dark until he calmed down. I loved the way his eyes looked when it did happen though. The first time I saw him angry he looked right at me and I felt my whole body heat up. They were stunning, but he had such a hard time keeping them open that it would hurt him. He ran away into our bedroom every time.

Scott’s POV

I couldn’t look Mitch in the eye when I was like this. I couldn’t even touch him if I wanted to. He rarely made me mad, but when he did I felt the power coursing through my veins and I couldn’t control it. Something happened to me when I became angry and now it was worse than ever and I couldn’t understand why. Lately I’ve had a harder time controlling it especially with moving into our new apartment. We’d get into arguments because we were both exhausted from hauling everything into the new place, and it was really scaring me.

I sat on our shared bed with the door shut as I felt myself calming down. I held out my palms and looked down to study them. They felt hot, but it didn’t hurt. There wasn’t anything physically different about them. Warmth just coursed through me.

My eyes were the big part though. I looked up into our bureau mirror and scared myself at the sight. Here I was a dark shadow and my eyes were glowing bright blue. It didn’t make sense at all.

When I was little kids would pick on me because I liked to be by myself. I would just sit on the playground and play with my Pokemon cards in peace. Liam Michaelson was one of the kids I knew my entire school career would always steal cards from me and make me cry. He always got in trouble but it never stopped him. One day I was minding my own business and playing alone when he came over and demanded I give him the cards I was playing with. I shoved them all in my pocket and yelled at him, but people were gathering around and it made the situation even worse. Then he did something he’d never done before – he came at me and tried to push me to the ground. Then I grabbed his arms and that’s when it started happening, but I didn’t think anything of it then.

“Stop!” He muttered to me back then, staring into my eyes in fear. “What are you doing to me? Stop!” He said louder and I let go suddenly, backing up as he fell onto his knees. Sweat was forming on his forehead and his face was red.

The teacher yelled at me to go to the principal’s office and Liam was sent to the nurse. They had my Mom come to pick me up once they realized I was only defending myself and she held my hand as we walked out of the school’s office. We stopped for a moment so she could sign me out and I looked down into the nurse’s office. Liam was sitting on the bench with a thermometer in his mouth looking scared. He locked eyes with me suddenly and his eyes became angry, but I turned away with shame. Back then being only 8 years old I thought he had just gotten sick while he was beating me up, but in reality, I’m the one that made him overheat.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now