Afterschool Special (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)

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It's very late at night and I'm hopped up on caffeine so here's a one-shot for you guys!


Another shitty year of high school was about to commence, and this year would be the worst of all. Sorry to sound negative, but all my friends were in different classes than I was. I didn't want to talk to new people. I hated everyone at our school except for my little group of misfits that I wouldn't ever get to see now.

I stared at the uniform as it hung off of my closet door and I imagined it bursting into flames, falling into shambles onto the floor, and being gone forever. It was a nice thought, but the reality was that I was going to be late if I didn't shower and get ready before I had to be there for opening ceremony.

"Oh, you look so handsome, Scott!" My Mom exclaimed as she came in my room and kissed both of my cheeks, making me wince. I really hated the way I looked, especially my stupid glasses that sat on my nose, but my Mom was biased I guess. "My big boy's all grown up!" She said, clinging onto my neck and squeezing me.

"Okay, Mom, really, you're hurting me!"

"Oh, come on now." She let go and backed up, fixing my uniform jacket. "Now go, you're going to be late!"


I arrived on campus and looked around desperately for my friends. As I walked towards the large brick building, I saw Kirstie, my best friend, standing off to the side of the main stairs. She looked around equally as desperate.

"Hey sexy." Zach Cartwright, the most handsome boy in school, said to me as I walked by. He's had a crush on me since we were freshmen, but I learned very quickly that he was very annoying if you spent more than five minutes with him. That and he was very, very, very clingy. I ignored him and kept walking until I finally made my way to Kirstie.

"Hey sexy." She said mockingly and I put my hand on top of her head before we turned around to go inside. She's changed a lot over the summer. Her normally black hair was a reddish brown color and her uniform fit her body more tightly. She had done that on purpose, I'm sure. We were seniors and neither of us had ever had boyfriends. All summer we talked about how hot we were going to look when we went back to school. Maybe this would be our year?

Kevin caught up with us halfway up the hallway, wrapping his arm around me and taking a breath. "I've been here for five minutes and I already hate it. You guys?"

"Pretty much since I woke up." I said.

"Pretty much since freshman year." Kirstie said.

The three of us made our way into the auditorium and sat in the very back as our dean, Dr. Emerson, went through the school's code and grading system just like he did at the beginning of every year and after every long vacation. Kevin kept staring off at Riley Withers, the one girl he'd had a crush on since the first day of freshman year.

"Maybe this will be your year." I whispered over to him and he smiled at me, but he still looked hopeless. I turned back to the ceremony and thought about how awful the year would actually be. I didn't have Kevin or Kirstie in any of my classes. How was I going to survive?


Economics 105 with Mr. Montgomery

Introduction to College Mathematics with Dr. Rose

Music Studies with Mrs. Saldana

Lunch Period

Physical Education with Mr. Hanson

"GYM?!" Kevin said, looking worried. He knew about my bad back and I nodded darkly as I thought about how embarrassing it was going to be trying to play sports.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now