Eternity (Kavi)

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Okay this turned more into a romance fic but it is appropriate for Halloween <3 

I hope you all dressed up today because I didn't get to -_- my friends aren't throwing a party until next weekend so I have to hold off. 

I hope you guys like this <3 I know I don't do enough Kavi fics so here you go! Happy Halloween everyone!!! <


“Whose house is this party at?” I asked Mitch as I drove along. My GPS was guiding me into the middle of the nowhere and I was starting to get worried.

“Garrett. Remember Garrett?”

“I have no idea who that is.”

“The cute boy in our Geometry class!”

“Still not a clue.”

He rolled his eyes at me. “Well, he’s really nice and his parents are super rich so his house is huge. It’ll be a great time, I promise.”

I trusted him until we got to the road we were supposed to take to reach this house. “Okay…I think this might be wrong…”

“No, it’s right.” He said. “He said there’d be a dirt road that led to it.”

I felt uneasy as we drove for about a mile down this dirt road. A large house finally came into view and I gulped at the sight. “This is freaky.”

Mitch looked at me annoyed. “Well good thing it’s a Halloween party!” He teased and I parked next to a few other cars.

Thankfully I recognized a few of the people and felt more comfortable as we made our way towards the front door. I was dressed as a witch and Mitch wore a skeleton sweater and dark eye makeup. “Let’s go find our friends.” I said to him. He seemed to be getting more and more nervous as we approached the door. “Then we’ll both feel better!”

We entered the house and Mitch was right – it was perfect for a Halloween party, but it still creeped me the hell out. I swear about a hundred people were littered all over the house talking and drinking while classic Halloween music played through the wired speakers of the house. Scary treats and drinks were on a long table in the room ahead. Fake smoke came from machines in the corners of the rooms and I laughed in excitement when I saw how incredible the place looked.

Mitch and I made our way through our party until we saw our friends standing across the room. Scott was dressed up as Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas and Kevin as a zombie. I hugged both of them as we approached and Mitch did the same before he spotted his boyfriend from across the room and ran over to him. “What are you guys doing?”

“Oh the usual.” Kevin started. “Hiding in a corner talking to each other and avoiding everyone else.”

I smiled wide and nodded. “Yeah, that sounds about right! Let me join you!” I stepped in between them and we stood there for a while, catching up on what was going on with each of us. Note, we only saw each other the day before, but we needed something to do.

“Let’s get drunk.” Scott said and started over towards the booze. Kevin and I exchanged glances and started laughing as we followed him over to the beer. We all started drinking and soon Mitch and his boyfriend joined us in getting drunk. It didn’t take long before I had to use the bathroom and I went off by myself and upstairs of the huge mansion. Only a few people were upstairs thankfully and I waded my way through them to get to the hallway. I still couldn’t find the damn bathroom and I started getting anxious.

“Do you need help?”

I jumped at the voice and turned to see a very good looking man standing a few doors down from me. He was handsome with green eyes and brown hair that reached to his shoulders.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now