Little Death (Scomiche)

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******TRIGGER WARNING**********

Suicide/suicide related content throughout the whole story. Don't read if this will trigger you.

Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99 (sorry this is so late)

I might have to change my 'one shot days' because work is royally screwing me with terrible hours.


I love you all. Stay flawless <3333


Things were getting harder and harder as time was passing by. Mitch had been gone for almost five years to the day now, and my life was never the same after that. I wasn’t sure what to do with myself anymore, but I was starting to feel like I could finally start to move on.

Mitch and I never had a chance together, and that’s what really killed me. I was always too scared to tell him how I felt in fear that our friendship might be ruined in the long run. Then he was gone and I lost my chance forever.

Kirstie came in through the apartment door with two coffees in hand. “I got you one!” She said happily, making me smile.

“Thanks, babe.” I said and took the cup out of her hand. She sat next to me on the couch and put her hand on my back.

“What do you want to do today?” She asked.

Once or twice a week Kirstie would come over and drag my sorry ass out of the house. We’d do anything really – we’d go on an adventure somewhere or we’d go grocery shopping. Whatever it was, it always helped because besides Mitch she really was my best friend. Like always though, I know I’d come home tonight or tomorrow and still feel as empty as I did right now. She knew how I felt about Mitch and was urging me to make a move before he passed away.

“It doesn’t matter.” I said. “Just get my mind off of things?” I asked her, looking into her black-lined hazel eyes. She smiled her adorable slanted smile at me and then stood up, taking my hand in the process.


Kirstie and I had gone shopping and then out to dinner before she dropped me off at home. I was slightly buzzed and feeling pretty good, but as I stood and looked around my empty apartment, I remembered how much it sucked to come home to nothing. Thankfully I had Wyatt, Mitch and I’s hairless sphinx cat, who immediately ran into the living room and jumped up onto the couch to greet me. I kissed his little head and picked him up into my arms, snuggling him close against my chest as I sat on the couch. He ran away after about a minute, which was normal for him, and I looked off into nowhere and started to think about things.

One more day would officially make five years that he’d been gone. I always broke down when I visited his grave, so I always made sure to do it alone but of course my friends were stressing that we all do it together this time around. I sighed at the thought and put my head in my hands as I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees.

“Mitch, please come back…” I asked aloud, the sound echoing through my empty apartment.

I opened my eyes and looked up to turn the TV on in front of me. I saw something out of the corner of my eye and shot my eyes over, but Wyatt was just sitting on the floor in the kitchen licking himself clean. I raised an eyebrow and turned back to the television, flicking it on to Family Guy. “Wyatt, come here, baby…” I called out to him, but he ignored me.

His little head poked up suddenly and looked down the hallway off the kitchen. He ran off down the hall and I rolled my eyes. He probably saw one of his toys from the other end and started chasing after it. I watched an episode of my show before I turned off the TV and decided to go to bed. I stood up and stretched my arms over my head before I saw Wyatt come into the living room. His tail was between his legs and he was slinking close to the ground. “Whoa, what the hell?” I said out loud before walking up to him and picking him up slowly. “What happened, buddy?” I looked all over his body but found no evidence of him being hurt, then he escaped my grasp and hid under the coffee table.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now