Never Forget (Scomiche)

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Hey babies :) please send me requests for one shots!!! <3 Anyone that's requested one; they're coming, I promise!

Original idea by PTX_Pentaholic99


I hated seeing him in the condition he was in. I wanted so desperately to save him and protect him, but he might not remember me tomorrow. He might not even remember himself, for that matter.

I watched Scott’s body language carefully in class. He was zoned out into the empty page of his notebook with his fingers twirling his pencil mindlessly. He wasn’t in school too often, but when he was he was terribly distracted from anything going on in the classroom. Today he’d even been avoiding me and our best friend Kirstie. I wasn’t sure if he remembered who we were or not.

“Scott, wait!” I caught up to him after class, but he looked at me with those tired, hollow eyes and sighed angrily.

“Not now…” He trailed off as he tried to remember my name, but he gave up on it and walked away from me.

“It’s Mitch…” I said under my breath as I watched him walk away. I felt myself get teary and I sniffled back the tears as my best friend disappeared from sight.


I walked alongside Kirstie down Main Street towards our local bowling alley. She was on her phone texting away and I was left with my thoughts as we went along.

Scott was newer to this town than I was, and he was very secretive, but when he was having his good days he was one of the best people I’ve ever met. “What’s that noise?” Kirstie made me look up towards the noise.

Kalvin was sitting on his car yelling across the road with a few of his friends. I looked over in the other direction and sighed sadly when I saw Scott coming up towards me and Kirstie with sadness on his face.

“Hi…” He said and tried to keep his glance down from Kalvin.

“Don’t listen to them…” Kirstie whispered and linked her arm in his.

“What’s my name, Scotty boy?!” Kalvin yelled over, but Scott kept his head down. He just shut his eyes in response as we started walking over to the bowling alley.

“I asked you, what’s my name?” Kalvin was in front of us suddenly, making the three of us halt. I grabbed onto Scott’s arm protectively.

Scott just shook his head out of fear and Kalvin did something he’d never done before. He wound up his fist and went to throw it into Scott’s face, but in the blink of an eye, it had stopped. I opened my eyes and saw Scott holding Kalvin’s fist in his hand with a serious, deadpan look on his face. Kalvin groaned in pain as Scott tightened his grip. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing – Kalvin was one of the strongest kids in school and Scott had just stopped him like it was nothing.

Scott smiled down at him and then twisted his arm around his back before pushing him to the ground. “Touch me again and I’ll kill you.” He backed up and immediately started towards his car, motioning me and Kirstie to follow behind him before Kalvin got back up. We ran like hell and he peeled out of the parking lot before any more damage could be done.

At the bowling alley, the three of us took our turns and Scott remained quiet for the most part. I tried to ask him what was wrong, but he kept blowing me off. When I asked him how his hand was, he looked confused and then got up to take his turn without a word spoken.

“I’m going to use the bathroom. I’ll be back.” I shot up out of my seat and stormed off to the bathroom after him denying me for a fourth time. I felt him and Kirstie watching me as I walked away, but I didn’t care. This was getting to be too much. Scott wasn’t a violent person, and while his “death threat” probably didn’t mean much, it didn’t sit right with me.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now