Family Values (Scomiche)

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Orginial idea by PTX_Pentaholic99

I hope this turned out okay! I did make some changes. I hope you like it. If not I can always rewrite it for you.

ALSO ANNOUNCEMENT: I'll be posting a new story called What Happens in Vegas tonight :D I posted the prologue earlier but decided I wanted to make it longer. Please look out for that! It revolves around the men of PTX (and some Kirstie) and it's in Avi's POV. I'll have that up in a little while once I make some adjustments! :) 



“I swear they’re talking about me again.” Scott said with an attitude as he sat against his door listening to his parents talk to Mitch’s.

Mitch laughed from Scott’s bed. He lay there with an open book and read it as they waited for their parents to finish their dinner so Mitch could go home.

“Are you feeling better yet? I want to go outside.”  Scott said.

Mitch looked over at him. “No, I feel like crap. I wish they’d stop talking so we can go home.” He sighed. “I’m sorry, Scott…maybe tomorrow I’ll be more fun.”

“Boys!” Scott’s Mom called from downstairs.

The two stood up and walked down the stairs to meet their parents in the kitchen. Mitch’s Mom felt his forehead as he made his way in there. “God, you’re burning up! Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?”

“I did. You don’t listen.” Mitch said before he rested his head on his Mom’s shoulder. She awed and pet the back of his head.

Mitch turned to Scott and then walked forward to hug him, their parents looking on happily. Scott let go and Mitch and his parents left after they all said their goodbyes. His Mom walked into the kitchen and his Dad walked past him to go into the basement. Scott sighed sadly. He knew his parents hadn’t been doing well and they were terrible at hiding it. He didn’t want to talk to Mitch about it though, because Mitch didn’t need that sadness in his life, especially with being sick now.

Scott walked upstairs and shut his bedroom door before flinging himself onto the bed and staring up at the ceiling. Scott’s crush for Mitch grew stronger everyday he spent with him. They spent almost every minute of every day together, first at school and then after whether or not their parents wanted to join in. They were best friends as well, always making dinner and drinking wine together as the boys “played.” That’s how it’d been since they were little.

Now Scott and Mitch were 16, and Scott couldn’t help that he was developing a crush on his best friend. It was risky though, going after someone he’d known since he was little and chancing the possibility that he might ruin everything. It was getting harder though, especially with how awful his parents were doing. He needed someone close now more than ever.


“Alright, just take a nap, okay?” Lisa leaned down and kissed her son’s forehead as he lay in his bed, sick.

“Okay…” Mitch said weakly, as he shut his eyes. Lisa got up to leave her son’s room, taking another look at him and sighing. Mitch was going to hate her for the decision she’d just made, but it was for their own good. Lisa couldn’t stay with Mitch’s father anymore. She had feelings for someone else.

She shut Mitch’s door and Mitch laid there thinking about Scott. He wanted so badly to have him there with him to hold him until he felt better. Scott loved hugging him because he was so “tiny and warm”. He had no idea what he was doing to his brain. Mitch wanted to be with him so badly but Scott seemed distant and sad lately. He hoped that maybe something could happen someday…but for now, he just had to wait until he felt better.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now