Show You How To Love (Scomiche) (Fluff/Angst)

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CREDIT TO: PTX_Pentaholic99

Thank you bae for your support and the awesome idea! Hope this is okay!

Is a one shot supposed to be long? I don't care. Mine are going to be long. :) Working on my next one very soon. 

Please send me requests! (PS. I don't write smut...sorryyyyy) ;) 


“BARTENDERRRRR!!!” Some idiot from the end of the bar started yelling down to me. “DRINK!” He held up his beer bottle and nearly toppled off of his stool. I refrained from shaking my head and pointed to him to let him know it was coming.

I actually loved this job. I loved being the unsung “neighborhood psychologist/bartender” as some people referred to me as. Malibu was a busy place too. It was always a party around here and the bar was packed every night. The tips I was making were CRAZY.

I had only been living here for a month, and that’s what people really liked – I barely knew anyone here and they could talk to me about anything with me being biased. Even better, they didn’t know me. This was my fresh start.

“Here you go, bud.” I handed the guy his Coors and he pointed a finger at me.

“You’re a good kid!” He said, slurring his words.

“You’re right!” I said, making some other customers laugh. I took the dishrag off of its holder and started wiping down the counter. I looked up as the door opened and rang the small bell that hung above it. A small man walked in and I stopped what I was doing. He was stunning. I looked down as he walked to the other end of the bar and took a seat on a stool away from other customers. He took off his leather jacket and sat on it before he rested his arms on the bar and started watching TV.

“What can I get you?” I asked as I headed towards him. He was even more stunning up close.

“Depends, what’s good?” He took his eyes away from the TV and looked at me.

“Depends what you like!” I offered. “Mixed drink or…”

“Vodka tonic with lemon.” He said.

I nodded as I started making the drink. “Why you sitting by yourself? Upset about something?”

He laughed. “You probably get those people a lot…I’m just waiting for some friends.”

I was disappointed. I kind of wanted him to vent to me. Something about him just made me interested. “Well, my name’s Scott. Let me know if you need anything.” I winked at him and started the other end to help another customer. After a few minutes, three more people entered the bar and greeted the small man with big hugs and excited yelling.

I tended to them and listened to their conversations without trying to be obvious. The night went on and Mitch’s – I heard one of his friends call him that – friends started leaving one by one. He was the last one in the bar, and he was obliterated.

“I’m closing in 10.” I said. He was completely wasted. “You need me to call a cab?”

“Nope!” Mitch stood up, throwing $60 onto the counter and putting his jacket on with some struggle. I took the money and put into the register as he stumbled towards the door. He stopped at the entrance and became frustrated. “How do you open this?!” He whined.

I laughed. “You just pull…”

“I can’t…I hate this door…” He slurred and pushed on it. Nothing happened and I went around the bar to help him.

PTX One Shots (Requests Please!) (Scomiche) (Kirstie/Avi)Where stories live. Discover now